The Archer Prism

Reflecting Sir John Harington

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
354 Pages
Reviewed on 01/07/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kathryn Bennett for Readers' Favorite

"The Archer Prism: Reflecting Sir John Harrington" by Will Coe is a book that takes you back into one of the most famous of England’s monarchs-ruling-time. Will Coe writes for us a fictional account of Sir John Harrington during the later part of Elizabeth I's reign. John Harrington is known for many things, most of them forgotten, but this book serves as a reminder to us. John Harrington did things like inventing the flush toilet, writing things that at the time were better known than that of the Bard (Shakespeare). He was a solider, although a reluctant one, and the godson of one of the greatest queens there have ever been.

Jump into this wonderful story with Harrington's voice at the full front of it. We learn about his relationships with his wife, Lady Rogers, the Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth and many more. I for one enjoyed every step I took when I was inside this book. There are some obvious historical liberties taken but Will Coe does not hide that fact and readily admits to it. When you can accept what is fiction and what is not, you can truly immerse yourself in the story. The prose of "The Archer Prism" is stunningly beautiful. It makes real life moments seem poetic whether they are ugly moments or beautiful ones. Ugly moments in life happen, especially in a more violent time like the Tudor/Elizabethan era and yet Will Coe uses a deft hand to make these moments digestible to the reader. Any historical fiction fan is going to enjoy this book. On account mainly of the voice the author has given to John Harrington, it was nearly impossible to put this one down while I was reading it.