The Baby Interview

Romance - Contemporary
184 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Cole  Donovan, has everything money can buy, well almost. He wants a
child, but not a wife. He had one of those before. All she wanted was
his money; she wasn?t about to have a baby.

Lucy Chaple owns a florist shop. With no delivery man for the day, she
had to make them. Delivering flowers to Cole?s house, he thinks she is
there for a interview?? become the woman to have his child.  
Midway through the dinner date, she finally realizes what he is after.
Sure the money looks good; it would put her brother through medical
school, but no way was she going to have a child and give it way.

Now, how is Cole going to convince her before he falls in love with
her? Will he  give in to his vows not to marry again?  Will Lucy look
at all the zero?s and wonder if it is worth it?

This is a well written story that will make you laugh, bring a tear
occasionally, and keep you interested throughout.

J. Thomas

The Baby Interview has delightful characters that sweep the events along in a most appealing way. Robbie Teman's smooth style of writing makes this a joy to read.

Lucy Chaple, owner of Lily's Blooms, finds herself stretched to the limit to keep her small business going and finance her brother's college studies. But when she realizes what Cole Donovan is offering her money to do, she tells him a few "home truths". Even though, she is furious with the rich Mr. Donovan, she cannot forget how gorgeous he is with his clear blue eyes, a dimple in his left cheek and that honest-to-goodness tan that sets of a delectable physique.

Cole Donovan, not deterred by her rejection, thinks this smart blond-haired, brown-eyed tomboy is magnificent and spunky with sass and individuality--all great traits forhis child. He just has not intentions of getting married. When the offer of an obscene amount of money didn't get him what he wants, he changes tactics.

Robbie Teman creates ensuing events that take the reader on a rollicking ride as romance overrides reason until "all emotion and zero intelligence" brings about a situation that changes all the rules.

While the plot is predictable, the charming characters make one fall in love with them. Besides Lucy and Cole that make the story sparkle, Nanny Hilda is a treasure that is a behind-the-scenes mover and shaker. She's a love! Cole's parents bring a whole different level of emotions to the story that stirs up the adrenaline. Lucy's brother Ben and his friend Amber furnish a new set of dreams and ambitions that invite the reader to bask in the glow of young lovers who feel invincible.

Lucy and Cole struggling through a quagmire of obstacles makes The Baby Interview a true page-turner.