The Broken Wife

Romance - Suspense
392 Pages
Reviewed on 10/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The Broken Wife by Kay Elem is Aileen’s story about her grief after her husband’s passing. Ten years earlier, Aileen’s husband, Tom, died of a heart attack while on a business trip, and his death was ruled as natural causes. With new technology, the Pinehill Valley Police Department received new evidence regarding Tom’s death, and the case was reopened. Detective Cooper was assigned this old case, and he accepted it with not much hope of finding the killer after all these years. Aileen offered to help Cooper with his investigation, and he agreed. The atmosphere was initially awkward and tense between Aileen and Cooper, but with the time they spent together, an attraction developed between them. During Cooper's investigation, Aileen found that Tom was not the perfect husband she had believed him to be all these years.

The Broken Wife by Kay Elem kept me on the edge of my seat. Tom and Aileen's past was detailed in one chapter, and then it changed to the present in the next. This way, it was easier to understand them and where they came from. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next, and I could not turn the pages fast enough. The characters were authentic and relatable. Aileen was a normal stay-at-home mom who gave her children all the attention they needed. The topics of betrayal, abuse, and grief were handled with great care. The story was engaging and beautifully written. I enjoyed reading this book and could not believe that I finished it in one sitting. The ending was unexpected and a big surprise.