The Cake Mistake

Milo and Cat

Children - General
32 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The Cake Mistake: Milo and Cat is a delightful children’s picture book written and illustrated by Miro Tartan. The story follows Milo and his cat as they try to find a birthday present for his mother. They consider getting her a birthday card, a bouquet, or candy, but none of these options feels quite right. Consulting the Know-It-All book, they decide to bake a cake, even though they have no idea how to bake one. Cat, wearing a chef's hat that muffles what he hears, gives Milo the wrong ingredients, such as soil instead of oil, and pegs and sticks instead of eggs and mix. This leads to a series of comedic mishaps. Join Milo and Cat as they try to correct their baking disaster and turn it into the best present ever.

The Cake Mistake is a fun story with comedic moments that will have young readers giggling. It ultimately teaches kids to be resourceful and creative, even when things do not go as planned. It also imparts lessons about kindness, generosity, friendship, and teamwork. The story is visually appealing, with a friendly tone and colorful illustrations that bring the narrative to life. The warm color tones and well-defined lines in the artwork add a sense of coziness and clarity, making it easy for young readers to immerse themselves in the tale. The addition of a recipe to make a salt dough figurine at the end of the book is also a great way to encourage creativity and hands-on fun. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend sharing it with your children for a good laugh and profound lessons.