The Carbon Credit Crusader

Fiction - Realistic
238 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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Author Biography

MONTY NEREIM is a retired U.S. Marine Corps officer, businessman,
and a Reader’s Favorite and eLIT AWARD winning author. He and his wife Sharon, reside in La Jolla California. When not reading or writing, he plays handball, golf, and pickleball.
In addition to The Carbon Credit Crusader, his books include:
Undiagnosed, Unscrupulous and Unbeatable, The Paul Haber Story, Survival Beneath Yucca Mountain, Yucca Mountain EXODUS, Yucca Mountain AFTERMATH, and The Carbon Credit Crusader.
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Carbon Credit Crusader is penned by author Monty Nereim in the realistic fiction, environmental writing, and interpersonal drama genres. In this fascinating work, an enterprising and homeless visionary discovers the profitable world of carbon credit and offset exchanges, which gains immense support from climate change enthusiasts. Despite the widespread belief that these exchanges help reduce CO2 levels, the protagonist realizes their ineffectiveness. Despite this, the exchanges provide a sense of accomplishment, leading everyone involved to feel good about their efforts.

Author Monty Nereim puts a lot of detail, attitude, and atmosphere into crafting an eye-opening read and a fascinating journey into the world of carbon credit exchanges. The plot is accessibly penned with straightforward language and good contextual clues, and it sheds much-needed light on the complexities and contradictions that plague modern environmental activism. The protagonist's realization that these exchanges don't effectively combat climate change highlights the gap between perception and reality in environmental initiatives, and it’s all delivered in a natural way that makes the plot richer and more interesting as a result. The exploration of the protagonist's journey, from homelessness to entrepreneurial success and subsequent imprisonment, serves as a poignant commentary on the intersection of capitalism, environmentalism, and social justice. Nereim's empathetic but clear narrative prompts reflection on the true efficacy of environmental initiatives, as well as offering a tender, character-driven journey of discovery that we go on alongside the characters themselves. Overall, I would certainly recommend The Carbon Credit Crusader as an interesting and original read for fans of environmentally-minded books everywhere.

Pikasho Deka

The Carbon Credit Crusader is an environmental thriller/drama by Monty K. Nereim. Recently released from prison, Clayton Shultz revisits the homeless encampment on 16th Street in San Diego and finds himself exuberantly welcomed by its inhabitants. His friends, Lefty Forsbery and Clara Barrington, are happy to see him in their midst once again. After engaging in communal improvement activities, Clayton barely survives an attempt on his life by gangbangers. While pursuing higher education, he gets involved with climate change activists and, after an escalating chain of events, ends up as a crusader for climate change himself. As his profile grows, Clayton creates a non-profit company called Carbon Credit Personal Exchange (CCPX). However, he unexpectedly finds himself arrested on money laundering charges by the FBI. Will Clayton be able to prove his innocence and continue his crusade?

The Carbon Credit Crusader is a timely and relevant drama that follows a homeless man's journey of self-discovery. With an engaging narrative, Monty K. Nereim sheds light on the crucial environmental issue of climate change and showcases how people can bring true change to this world. The author takes his time to set up the characters and the plot. However, this is primarily a theme-driven narrative, with the plot revolving around Clayton and his adventures as a climate activist. Clayton is a fascinating protagonist who never lets life's setbacks hinder his pursuit of goals. I enjoyed his relationship dynamics with Madison, Clara, and Lefty. Overall, I found this book to be both heartwarming and inspirational. It highlights an increasingly relevant environmental issue, and I highly recommend it to drama readers.

Essien Asian

After two years in prison because of an indiscretion with a COVID-19 vaccination card, Clayton Schultz returns to the 16th Street homeless encampment a changed man. He is interested in a clean environment and climate control, which motivates him to participate actively in the venture. He devises a unique idea to increase awareness of the growing climate situation while providing the resources to fight the problem. Clayton and his closest friends, Lefty and Clara, team up with a young student with interesting connections and sink all their time and resources into his idea. In no time, they fly high from the rewards of the venture. They are unprepared for the backlash, however, when unscrupulous individuals and the government become interested in their project in Monty K. Nereim's The Carbon Credit Crusader.

Climate control is on the menu in this well-crafted story about second chances. The Carbon Credit Crusader by Monty K. Nereim addresses contemporary problems with a hint of romance for readers who might find this thought-provoking work too close to the truth for comfort. The character development is impressive as the principal character's origin story endears him to the downtrodden and strikes a chord with the masses who ultimately bear the brunt of the developed world's carbon emission excesses. Clayton's interactions with Clara and Madison demonstrate that, despite his extensive knowledge of climate change, he still knows very little about many other topics. His naivety and vulnerability to manipulation by others evoke a sense of empathy and concern in readers interested in character-driven narratives. Lefty's lewd remarks offer a subdued humorous perspective that counterbalances the serious tone of the narrative. This is a wonderfully original novel that explains to the idealists in society that even the purest intentions can be tainted.