The Corruptible

A Novel (A Ray Quinn Mystery)

Fiction - Mystery - General
340 Pages
Reviewed on 02/11/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Johnson for Readers' Favorite

Detective Ray Quinn is now retired from homicide and living with a painful disability which leaves him limited options. His days are made up with the job; his young friend and helper, Crevis; and his old pal, Jim Beam. A new client emerges with a job that seems easy enough: find Logan Ramsey, an ex-cop turned security officer who’s taken off with sensitive corporate information. In what should be an easy case, Ray stumbles across Logan Ramsey dead; and the client’s information is nowhere to be found. Ray senses something not quite right about this whole case, believing his employer is not being truly honest. After confronting his employer without success, he realizes he’ll need some help to get it done. But that’s okay, since he still has many friends from his Homicide Detective days. Questions arise as the case begins to unfold. He knows he’s getting close when someone attempts to take him out. It doesn’t matter; Ray is determined to solve this mystery, no matter what it takes.

The Corruptible is an enjoyable, well-put-together detective mystery. The author has created a cast of very interesting characters with good solid dialog and a setting with which the reader can quickly identify. Without the use of excessive violence, strong language, sexual scenes, or other gimmicks, the author has penned a very well-developed story. While the excitement level might not be overly heightened, the action continues on a steady pace to a satisfying, somewhat unforeseen, ending. I enjoyed reading this book very much.