The Creation

A Letter

Christian - Non-Fiction
68 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Janet Jensen for Readers' Favorite

The Creation: A Letter by Donald Jordan is written for his grandchildren. It's part memoir and part advice, with a bit of warning thrown in...something every grandfather should take the time to write for his grandchildren. There are many great lines in this book, but my favorite is this one: "Like faith, the reverence for love is a gift of the spirit, a part from the temptations of the flesh. It must be learned and cultivated. Often we don't fully grasp until later in life that to love and be loved is the only legacy we leave that lasts."

The Creation: A Letter is well written, and the author has a beautiful command of the English language. The advice is timeless and wise; it would take many readings to digest all of it. "I pray for the individuals you may choose to become," he writes. "I pray that you and your children and your children's children will live joyous and fruitful lives. I hope that in some small way I have been a light on your paths, and left footprints for you to follow. This I know: my love for you will go on . . . and on . . ."

The Creation: A Letter is something any grandchild would cherish. The reader imagines children leaving home for school, military, summer camp, etc. with a copy of this gem tucked in their bag. Because he cares enough to leave this legacy, Grandpa's never far away.