The Gifted Society

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
441 Pages
Reviewed on 06/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Gifted Society is a work of fiction in the fantasy, interpersonal drama, and suspense genres. Aimed at the young adult reading audience, it contains some scenes of violence, mild expletive language, and some references to mental health struggles. Penned by author Tatiana White, the story follows sixteen-year-old Alexia, a secret Varien able to shoot stars through her skin. After her best friend Sarai is falsely accused of murder for becoming a Varien, Alexia keeps her own powers hidden until an accident reveals her abilities, forcing her to flee. She meets Greta, who introduces her to The Grove, a realm for Variens. At Malveaux Prep Academy, Alexia learns that the Revenirs, a secret society, have kidnapped Sarai. Determined to save Sarai, Alexia navigates new friendships and dangers, uncovering hidden histories and facing potential betrayal.

Author Tatiana White has crafted an exhilarating narrative that immediately draws you in and never lets go. The portrayal of Alexia’s powers and the vivid description of how they work added a unique and enchanting element. The language used creates a visceral sense of power that goes beyond the cinematic to describe her abilities in an exciting, immersive way. The introduction of The Grove, Malveaux Prep Academy, and the wider surrounds created a fascinating world for readers to picture themselves in, rich with mystery and intrigue and full of detail and flair. The diverse cast was well-realized with strong dialogue touches that immediately characterize them and give each person a unique humor and attitude. The danger, tension, and increasingly high stakes were also expertly built as Alexia delved deeper into the secrets of The Grove and the sinister Revenirs. The themes of friendship, betrayal, and bravery made Alexia’s journey both relatable and inspiring for the target audience. Overall, The Gifted Society was a thrilling adventure that left me eagerly anticipating the next installment, and I’d certainly recommend it to fantasy fans everywhere.

Christian Sia

The Gifted Society by Tatiana White is a captivating young adult novel that follows the story of Alexia, a 16-year-old Varien with the amazing ability to shoot stars through her skin. After her best friend Sarai is falsely accused of murder and taken away, Alexia goes on the run to avoid being discovered and sent to death row. She meets Greta, an eccentric antique shop owner who promises safety and introduces her to The Grove, where Variens like herself can live freely. There, Alexia discovers a school for Varien teens, Malveaux Prep Academy and Sanctuary, where she meets a group of friends who share her unique abilities. At The Grove, she is determined to unravel the mysteries of her exceptional skills and find clues that would lead her to her friend. But can she save Sarai? The closer she gets to the truth, the more dangers she faces.

The Gifted Society is a thrilling and action-packed tale that delves into the world of Variens, exploring the struggles of their lives. Tatiana White creates characters that fans of coming-of-age and YA fantasy will adore. The character arc for Alexia is impeccable. She is a young girl with powerful gifts, and the author’s ability to create natural reactions to her discovery of what she is capable of is ingenious. The characters are multifaceted and endearing, especially Alexia. The plot is engaging and suspenseful, with unexpected twists and turns that keep the reader on edge. The themes of identity, friendship, and sacrifice are skillfully developed throughout the story. Overall, this novel is a captivating read that will appeal to fans of young adult fantasy and adventure.

Ruffina Oserio

The Gifted Society by Tatiana White is an action-packed young adult fantasy that explores friendship and the consequences of power. The story follows Alexia, a sixteen-year-old Varien with the extraordinary ability to shoot stars through her skin as she navigates a world of danger, mystery, and self-discovery. From the beginning, Alexia's struggle to keep her secret safe is evident, and her desperation to avoid being discovered is relatable. Her fear of being labeled a freak or a monster is understandable, and her desire to fit in with her peers is universal. When her friend is accused of murder, and her father is critically injured, Alexia is forced to flee and go on the run as her extraordinary gifts may be discovered. She encounters Greta, an intriguing antique shop owner who promises her safety with other Variens in The Grove.

The Grove is a fascinating world with mysterious characters, hidden histories, and ancient secrets. White's description of the realm is vivid and immersive, and readers are quickly drawn to the mystical energies and the eclectic inhabitants. The characters that inhabit The Grove are equally well-crafted, from the enigmatic Greta to the pyrokinetic hothead who becomes Alexia's roommate. Sarai is a character whose fate will intrigue readers. The protagonist is obsessed with helping her, and when she learns that Sarai has been kidnapped from prison by an even more dangerous group determined to sacrifice her, the stakes get odder and higher for her. The suspense builds as readers want to know what happens next. The Gifted Society features a compelling young female protagonist struggling to come to terms with her gifts. I enjoyed the dazzling prose and the exceptional setting. Tatiana White’s story stands out in its originality and the well-imagined setting brimming with tension.