The God Protocol


Fiction - Science Fiction
337 Pages
Reviewed on 10/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

D.L. Wilburn Jr.’s The God Protocol: Judgment is the final book in the trilogy. The recovery of the Anunnaki artifact paved the way for the Anunnaki to return, and they now hovered over the planet. To focus on finding a cure for her daughter Aanya, Dr. Vasana Kaur took a job at Genetticca. Vasana created a treatment that specifically targeted the homologous chromosomes that Aanya was afflicted with, linked to aging. Vasana was saddened by the number of deaths that her work had caused. She was concerned that Aanya’s recovery might be linked to the deaths, so she, along with her partner and Aanya, relocated. Since the Anunnaki, whose DNA was identical to humans, had returned to the planet, their existence was endangered by an unknown factor that altered their DNA. Now they needed Vasana’s cure.

The God Protocol: Judgement by D.L. Wilburn was complex and intriguing as a variety of stories came together without detracting from each other. With all the twists and turns, I had no idea what would happen next. There was so much action that there was never a dull moment. There was a lot of information conveyed in this story, but it was easy to keep up with all the details. The characters were well-developed, and each character had his or her special role in the plot. Each character’s background described where they came from and what their purpose was. The story was engaging and held my attention from the first page to the last. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this final installment, and the ending was fitting after all the events that took place.