The Halloween Hedgehog

Tales from the Bluebell Woods

Children - Animals
32 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Halloween Hedgehog by Ian Humpheryes is part of the Tales from the Bluebell Woods series. It's nearly Halloween, and all the animals in Bluebell Woods are preparing for the festivities. The Little Hedgehog is ready to help his neighbors and friends enjoy the holiday. When Rabbit asks for his help, Little Hedgehog is only too glad, and he finds friends to help Rabbit create the best Halloween ever. But what is Badger up to? And is that a ghost making those spooky noises in the woods at night, or something much simpler?

The Halloween Hedgehog by Ian Humpheryes is a lovely tale with some gorgeous illustrations. On the face of it, it is a children's story about wildlife friends working to make Halloween the perfect holiday. Deeper down, it's a story of working together and using what you have to achieve your objectives and the value of true friendship. This is a funny tale that will have children laughing while also being educational – at the end of the book, kids will even find some facts to help them learn about some of what they've read. This is a straightforward story, but it's written in a way to help build a little suspense in your child's life as they read it, a great way of keeping them interested in the story. This isn't just a book to read to your kids, though. They can also look at the pictures and see if they can identify things that appear in the story. This is the perfect book for kids, not just at Halloween but at any time of the year.