The Haunting of Josephine

Fiction - Suspense
101 Pages
Reviewed on 01/09/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gayani Hathurusingha for Readers' Favorite

"The Haunting of Josephine" by Kathleen Whelpley is a social satire, depicting the oddities of a society which looks rather Victorian in its outlook. The plot is underlined with a sense of suspense as well as humor. Born to a poor family, Jo (Josephine)is sent to her rich aunt so that she would meet an eligible bachelor to marry. While Jo is surprisingly competent in attracting prospective partners with her independent personality, a secret admirer starts to haunt her, causing chaos, risking even Jo's life. How would this lunatic admirer try to prevent Jo's marriage to a rich gentleman? Will the dark secret of his life ever be revealed? The reader will keep on turning the pages to find it out.

Subtle humor, sarcasm and fantasy are the writer's forte. The realism at the inception of the novel is combined with supernatural elements by the end. Yet it does not make the writing crude. Supernatural is added to the artistic unity of the novel and helps the plot to bring out poetic justice by the end, punishing evil and rewarding good. Within the comparatively short span of the story, the characters are fully evolved and it is difficult not to be impressed by their genuineness. The plot progresses smoothly but it is eventful. It is fast-paced so that the reader is kept constantly anticipating something to happen. "The Haunting of Josephine" interlaces satire, suspense and horror with an underlying romance. The novel provides a thrilling fictional experience for an avid reader.