The Last Daughter

Based on a True Story of One Girl's Courage in the Face of Evil

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
400 Pages
Reviewed on 07/07/2022
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Author Biography

I’m the author of nineteen books, including the Amazon bestselling novel, The Last Daughter, based on the life of my mother, Dina, one of the youngest survivors of the Holocaust. I also write time-travel romantic thrillers set in the art world, including the Amazon bestselling Out of Time Series: The Girl Who Knew da Vinci, The Girl Who Loved Caravaggio, and The Girl Who Adored Rembrandt. I am also the author of the time-travel World War II series, The Blue Coat Saga: The Rendezvous in Paris, The Lost Legacy of Time, and The Secret Book of Names. And the soon-to-be-published time-travel, art history, romance series Lost in Time: London Time, Paris Time, and Tuscan Time. I am also the author of a four-book romantic spy thriller series, Tip of the Spear: Escape, Vengeance, Ransom, and Exposed. I live in Southern California with my beloved mom, Dina, my two wonderful kids, Natasha and Ben, and my regal Chihuahua, Giorgio Armani.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Heather Osborne for Readers' Favorite

The Last Daughter by Belle Ami is the harrowing story of the author’s mother during World War II in Europe. Dina had always lived comfortably in the loving embrace of her family. However, when Germany invaded Poland, all of that changes. Forced to leave her beloved home, her family is relocated into the Glinice ghetto. Gone are the carefree days of her childhood, replaced by fear and hunger, and hard work. Still, Dina’s family never gives up, even when they are deported to camps, bit by bit, their fates unknown. As Dina strives to survive the unthinkable, will she be able to keep her faith and make it through hell on earth?

A fantastic tale of perseverance, The Last Daughter by Belle Ami is an inspirational retelling of survival. So much is put on Dina and her family and she never gives up, constantly wishing for a better future. The novel is a stark account of her experiences during the Holocaust, without shying away from the horrors around her and all the other victims of the Nazis' atrocities. Yet, in the darkness, elements of hope keep Dina going. I particularly admired how Dina reflected back on the inspiration of her parents, using their strength and wisdom to survive, along with the unexpected kindness of strangers. It’s so important we never forget these parts of history and Dina’s experiences in the face of pure evil. I have read many memoirs of people who survived the Holocaust and The Last Daughter definitely is worth checking out for historical readers.