The Last Quest

Business Exit Strategy From An Unlikely Source

Christian - Fiction
240 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Harvey is a man whose life has been a series of successful business ventures. His ability to turn fledgling businesses around and make a profit is a feat that most interns can only dream of. However, his current business needs help to stay afloat, and he tackles the difficult decision of laying off more workers. At home, he ponders where he went wrong. Amid this introspection, he stumbles upon a children’s book that his wife has recently taken an interest in. Out of curiosity, he decides to read the book and thus begins an adventure that may hold the key to his problems in Dr. Bill Senyard’s The Last Quest.

Dr. Bill Senyard takes an unusual approach to an often-overlooked aspect of a Christian’s spiritual development. The character development is thorough, detailing Harvey’s affairs while keeping those surrounding the children’s book as simple as possible. The theme of the narrative takes on some popular misconceptions that have managed to maintain a presence within the body of Christ. One of those lines of thought is the misconception that good deeds alone can guarantee salvation and the unusual idea that we must earn God’s love. Senyard uses the dialogue between the characters to fantastic effect as he takes apart these misconceptions while enlightening readers on the pitfalls of pursuing the red herrings in life concerning salvation. Senyard’s unique narrative style shows you are never too old to learn something new. His ingenuity creates a one-of-a-kind narrative filled with deceptively simple questions that will lead readers into deep introspection. The Last Quest is a novel every Christian should read.