The Moondog of Morristown

Life With A Canine Savant

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
246 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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Author Biography

Athlete, adventurer, entrepreneur and sojourner of the world. Voracious reader, songwriter, history buff, & learner of science. Lover of Springer Spaniels and my wife Michele. Remains humble always before God.

Graduate of Purdue University BA and the University of Illinois MBA. Consultant by trade and now a first attempt at being an Author.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Moondog of Morristown: Life With a Canine Savant is a work of non-fiction in the inspirational writing and memoir genres. Penned by author Glenn Blekicki, this heartfelt memoir celebrates the transformative power of dogs in times of hardship. The book chronicles the author’s life with Cernan, an extraordinary English Springer Spaniel with remarkable abilities, and his companion Bosco. Through humor and warmth, Blekicki shares how these dogs brought joy, love, and resilience to his life and that of his wife Michele, especially during personal losses, battles with illness, and the challenges of a global pandemic. Cernan’s unique talents, such as his ability to sing and turn on the TV, highlight the special bond between humans and their canine companions.

Author Glenn Blekicki has crafted a deeply touching memoir with a vivid portrayal of Cernan and Bosco that captures the profound impact pets can have on our lives, especially during difficult times. The humor and warmth infused in the narrative provided both comfort and inspiration, and I was constantly impressed with the ease and flow that Blekicki tackles the lightest and darkest moments with. I was moved by the way the dogs’ unconditional love and quirky abilities served as a beacon of hope and resilience for Blekicki and his wife through life's trials. The memoir beautifully illustrates how the bond between humans and pets can help us navigate and overcome adversity, making it a poignant and well-penned reminder of the healing power of companionship. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend The Moondog of Morristown: Life With a Canine Savant as essential reading for anyone who adores animals.