The Morphine Murders

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
252 Pages
Reviewed on 04/26/2012
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Author Biography

When LJ KING isn’t defending her position that she is not an eccentric recluse but a focused writer, she is out of her office at the beach, playing tennis, gardening, and doing things with people. She has a degree in Literature and Art and serves on the Board for the Long Island Authors Group.

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    Book Review

Reviewed by Molly Edwards for Readers' Favorite

I love a fantasy mystery novel, one that reaches out to the readers, pulls them to the center of the story and makes them feel as if they are the victims, the detectives, the killers, all wrapped up in one. I love a novel that takes the reader on a wild roller coaster ride of ups, downs, ins, outs, and a mystery-solving plot line. L J King has created all of that and so much more in this fantastic new novel. A novel of intriguing mystery, murder, who-dun-it and whys, it twists you from the inside out!

Like me, Raina Prentiss is a TV crime drama solving addict. But, unlike me, Raina finds herself quickly swept away and involved in the solving of a murder case - and not on TV! Going on instincts, she confides in her police boyfriend that her boss just may be involved in two local murders. He gives her permission to help gather clues and see just what her instincts are all about. What she wasn't counting on was the way she feels about her co-worker, or the fact that she is the only way to get what the cops need. Going with this, the story takes off, and quickly escalates to an edge-of-your-seat, fantastic race against time!

I'll stop there for I'll give the plot line away and I don't do spoilers. I will say that this cast of characters and this amazingly written plot make it a definite must read!!! I totally enjoyed this and am looking forward to another fantastic murder mystery by this author!