The Persian Project

Fiction - Thriller - General
448 Pages
Reviewed on 12/15/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

Mark Irving, author of The Persian Project brings readers a fast paced international thriller. In The Persian Project we meet Clint Jagger, a Vietnam Vet. The setting is 1975 Iran. The US is in the midst of the cold war. Irving uses actual events to bring this story to life. The reader will experience again the insurgence, and carnage that accompanied the down fall of the Shah of Iran, the takeover of the US Embassy, the hostage crisis, and the rise of the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Reluctantly, Jagger leaves his peaceful solitude in the Rockies to accept investigate the failure of a secret underwater device monitoring Soviet Subs. While in Tehran he quickly learns an Iranian tech is sabotaging the devices before they are installed. When he learns of a new threat to national security; his investigation leads to his imprisonment and torture. The US has farther need of his services.

The Persian Project is an excellent read. The numerous twists and turns kept this reader eagerly turning the pages. By using actual events the author cleverly draws the reader in and holds them captive until the very last word. Jagger is a larger than life character. We watch as he develops into a complex, multidimensional, personality. He will remind readers of Clive Cussler’s Dirk Pitt, invincible, brilliant, cunning and determined. This is the third book is the Clint Jagger series. Don’t miss this thriller!