The Plans They Made

An Action Packed Political Conspiracy Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
304 Pages
Reviewed on 06/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The Plans They Made by Graciela Kenig follows novelist Kate Brennan in her search for answers. Her friend Ruby lived in London, and Kate decided to do background research for her fourth book there. Kate realized something was wrong when she found out that Ruby had died in a motorcycle accident. Ruby's sister believed that her death was suspicious, and she gave Kate Nigel Williams's phone number. Nigel and Ruby worked together since he was the only person Kate could communicate with regarding Ruby's final few months in London. Nigel decided that Kate's background might help find Ruby's killer, and they teamed up. Kate was being followed by a terrorist cell that threatened to bomb London. Can Kate elude the terrorists and prevent their targets from meeting an untimely end?

The Plans They Made by Graciela Kenig was filled with espionage, lies, betrayal, and murder. It was fast-paced and jam-packed with action and there was never a dull moment. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages as fast as I could. I was afraid I would miss something so I could not put it down. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next and was guessing until the end. The characters were well-developed and authentic. Kate was a strong woman who could handle herself. She was on a mission to find the truth about Ruby’s death and was involved with dangerous people. The story was masterfully crafted and much more than I expected. I enjoyed reading this book, and the ending offers hope for a series.