The Rebel

The Legion of Pneumos

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
200 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Rebel is a novella from H.B. Reneau's The Legion of Pneumos series. In the land of Loren, the Marian Empire has solidified itself as a ruthless regime that rules through oppression and tyranny. Neval Brennan is a sixteen-year-old teenager raised in a neglectful home by his drunk father. With no hope for his future, all Neval wants is to leave the village of Ceffi for good. Meanwhile, he desperately longs for the love of Tegan Rourke, his best friend Rowan Dunne's betrothed. When the Marian Empire enacts a plan to build a dam near Ceffi, threatening the livelihood of the village's inhabitants, Neval suddenly finds himself becoming the de facto leader of a small burgeoning group of rebels. However, Neval's fight against the Bellatorio will come at the cost of the lives of the people he deeply cares about.

This is a gem of a book for medieval fiction lovers. Action-packed and soaked in romance, drama, and heartbreak, The Rebel grabs the reader from the first page and refuses to let go until the last. H.B. Reneau wastes no time in putting things in motion, dropping the reader into a well-developed world with a cast of compelling characters they can't help getting attached to. From the very beginning, you feel for Neval and sympathize with his plight. The dynamic between the central trio of Neval, Tegan, and Rowan is the narrative anchor around which the plot revolves. I really liked how Reneau gave them distinct personality traits, creating friction and drama that is delicious for the reader. The book ends on a cliffhanger, and I'm eagerly looking forward to reading the sequel.