The Restless Lake

Fiction - Womens
328 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Viga Boland for Readers' Favorite

Stehekin Wilderness Ranch brings together several older and younger adults one summer. As they each go about their duties providing pleasurable adventures and food for visitors, readers are treated to descriptions of arduous hiking trails and forest surrounds. One can almost feel the silence and sudden violence of kayaking on a restless lake, so powerful are author Teri Fink’s words. Likewise, as the mysterious Luka Novak cautiously shares his sad tale of torture during the CroatianSerbian War with Olivia, co-manager of the ranch, readers are transported to a much uglier setting in sharp contrast to the peace and harmony one finds at Stehekin Wilderness Ranch. This juxtaposition of time and place is one of The Restless Lake’s most memorable features.

Beautiful! That’s the first word that popped into my mind as I read the final page of The Restless Lake by Teri Fink. Beautiful. Not just because of its perfectly executed plot, its convincing and captivating characters, or its delightful descriptions of nature hikes, lake kayaking, horse riding, and all those things that make summer camps a joyous getaway. But even more beautiful for the excellence of a skilled author who can bring all that together, combine it with romance and love, and, with non-intrusive backstories, provide insights into the dark and horrible aspects of the permanent physical and mental scarring caused by war. Yes, readers get all that in this engaging and unforgettable story that at times seems truer than fiction. With lots of easy-moving dialogue, Fink takes readers from one scene to the next. In one scene, she entertains readers with the youthful exuberance and insecurities of the two teens, Ingrid and Greta; in the next, she captures the more sobering, worldly-wise reflections of Olivia, Kathy, and Luka. Readers come away fully satisfied with a tale well told and wishing they too could escape to Stehekin Wilderness Ranch. Just a beautiful read!