The Right One

Romance - Contemporary
261 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Barbara A. Luker's The Right One is a spellbinding romantic tale with a tasteful mix of dramatic and suspenseful twists. Though leaving Minnesota and starting in a new place feels challenging for Andrea Taylor, she is lucky to have friends around, including her former roommate and close friend at the University of Minnesota, Carol. Her new life in Texas takes an interesting turn when she finds herself developing feelings for Ryan Jacobs, a man she met while playing hockey on her first weekend in town. However, Andi, who is still healing from a bad relationship, isn't ready to give love another chance. Besides, Ryan is on the board of directors of the hospital where she works as a trauma surgeon, which might complicate things further. Also, Andi's past threatens to deal her a dark, twisted fate. Is Andi's relocation to Texas a horrible mistake?

The characters are absolutely amazing and likable, even with their flaws and questionable decisions. Since I've also experienced broken relationships, I could understand Andi's hesitation to give love another try, even when Ryan seemed so perfect for her. The Right One smartly combines a feel-good vibe with spine-chilling themes and suspenseful incidents, like getting multiple spam calls. Interestingly, Andi's adorable, nosy friends are always interfering with her love life and wanting to know about her relationship with Ryan. I loved the profound exploration of the protagonists' careers since it portrays the intricacies of Andi's medical profession and Ryan's innovative safety technology. I couldn't get enough of the depiction of likable characters and the well-explored, attractive themes. Barbara A. Luker is a skilled, exceptional writer that fans of romance books will be happy to discover.

Yogendra kapadi

amazing book