The Road to Hell is Paved with Zombies

Zombie Fighter Jango Book 1

Fiction - Horror
102 Pages
Reviewed on 11/10/2013
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Author Biography

I have walked the road of violence for most of my life. I suffered abuse as a child, and was forever changed by that abuse. If you read my books you will walk the road of violence for a time, and you may never be the same.
Put your feet on the Apocalypse Road, if you dare.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite

Jango never expected that his vacation is about to be spoiled by predatory zombies. He is losing his mind and kills not only the undead but fellow humans as well. The Road to Hell is Paved with Zombies is Book I of the Zombie Fighter Jango series by Cedric Nye.

The Road to Hell is Paved with Zombies is quite graphic in terms of violence coupled with strong language. Author Cedric Nye is as blunt as they come in terms of his writing style. The direction of the plot is clear and free from any tangential descriptions. His knowledge regarding weapons is evident, which propels the well-portrayed action scenes. The key element that distinguishes this zombie tale from the others is the protagonist himself. Jango is neither hero nor villain in this story but simply a man that has a troubled past while fighting for his survival in a zombie infested world. He is also free from exasperating indecision; he will kill when he wants to kill and even let you know about it. Delusional, hardcore with a brush of kindness - Jango is a one of a kind central character in the undead fiction niche.

Overall, a gritty, fast-paced, and laudable debut for the series. With only 104 pages, I do not want to spoil all the exciting bits about the story. Nye’s talent and creativity is undeniable. Even so, Book I lacks some editing finesse although this does not have a major impact on the book’s readability. I do hope the next installment will be free from this minor flaw. I highly recommended the Zombie Fighter Jango series to my fellow horror fans who would like to read a fresh twist in the genre.

Mamta Madhavan

The Road to Hell is Paved with Zombies: Zombie Fighter Jango Book 1 by Cedric Nye is the story of Jango, a zombie fighter. Jango's vacation is not going the way he'd like. Jango has created his own world and when he goes out, he has to start interacting with the real world and he is not used to it. He experiences the zombie apocalypse and starts believing in the hero inside him. He starts killing humans and zombies with whatever weapons he can find. The love angle in this violent story is provided by Sonya.

The book is filled with action and violence and might not appeal to many readers. Readers who enjoy an action packed theme will find the story enjoyable. The emotions are raw and powerful and they shock you with their starkness. It is not every time that you see the protagonist in the book as a negative character. Sex, violence, and graphic scenes in the story make it a very disturbing read too.

This is a different story that probably could be a reflection of the author's personal experiences. The fact that the author has experienced abuse speaks about the genuineness in the emotions portrayed. The stark emotions in the violence make it an extremely fast-paced action story with destruction on a massive scale.

Maria Beltran

The Road to Hell is Paved with Zombies by Cedric Nye unfolds when Jango realizes that there are zombies outside his hotel. Thinking that they are probably some liberal arts students in zombie costumes, he relaxes but when they attack the hotel receptionist, Jango is sure that he is in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. With a history of childhood abuse, he is a survivor, but will he survive a pack of zombies out to attack him? As the story progresses, our protagonist finds himself in the company of a giant dog and an albino bitch. And he will eventually fall in love with Sonja, another survivor. Will they continue to defy the zombies?

Cedric Nye’s novel is a riveting story that will surely appeal to readers who are partial to horror. Jango, the main protagonist, is a man who was abused as a child and this makes him quite an unlikely hero. However, as one continues reading, one realizes that it is actually this horrible childhood experience that gives him the kind of ruthlessness needed in fighting enemies like zombies. This is probably the only zombie story I have read where the element of a love story is injected - I am sure some people will find it unbelievable that someone facing a zombie apocalypse will still have the luxury of falling in love. On the other hand, the unique mixture of gore and romance may appeal to some readers.