The Stolen Heart of the Cape Cod Bay

Children - Mystery
172 Pages
Reviewed on 08/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carmen Tenorio for Readers' Favorite

The Stolen Heart of the Cape Cod Bay by J.B. Auchter features Inspector Jack Post, one of the most brilliant detectives in the greater Boston area. Inspector Post and his family were invited to an exclusive private gala to reveal a multi-million dollar pirate treasure known as the Heart of the Cape Cod Bay. He was hired to look after this unique and historic heart-shaped piece of jewelry made entirely out of black pearls. His presence was an added security measure to protect it. But just a few moments after the prized object was presented to the guests, the power went off. Trying to get a picture with a famous actor when the lights came back on, Jack’s son Luke accidentally knocked over the pedestal holding the jewelry and broke the artifact into several pieces. This fiasco made them realize that what they were seeing was a broken replica. A fake Heart was used in place of the real one! Jack's role shifted from keeping an eye on the jewelry to finding the stolen item before the crook got away with it. Will they be able to catch the thief and retrieve the stolen artifact or will the clever villain be able to slip away and get a hefty payday?

Author J.B. Auchter uses a semi-inverted detective story technique where he reveals how the perpetrator plans to commit the crime during the early part of the story, but without revealing the thief's identity. This hook keeps readers interested. But more than that, the uncomplicated language, amusing and well-rounded characters, and charming descriptions and details of the setting transport the reader to Cape Cod itself. The author loves to tease the reader with a bit of suspense and small diversions, and the pacing is just right with the story not being told too fast. Expect themes of deception, theft, and criminal intent, but also intelligence, mental keenness, teamwork, receptiveness, and responsiveness. The Stolen Heart of the Cape Cod Bay is like serving New England oysters; kind of buttery and sweet with just the right amount of saltiness and a squeeze of lemon to pep up the appeal of the story and keep it captivating. It’s overall a good, entertaining, and informative read recommended for everyone from young independent readers to adults.