The Storm Makers

Children - Grade 4th-6th
384 Pages
Reviewed on 04/11/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Dr. Karen Hutchins Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

Jennifer Smith has made a strong debut in the middle school novel market. "The Storm Makers" is a fanciful story about a twin brother and sister who appreciate both science and magic. A mysterious stranger lurks about the family farm and the twins figure out that he has something to do with talents that lie within Simon. But Simon's twin Ruby also figures in the mystery which will gradually unfold as the twins become bolder and interested in solving the mysteries of abnormal weather phenomenon. Allie and Simon are somewhat typical preteens in that they have interests which both delight and frustrate their parents. Girls and boys alike will identify with the characters who appear to be on the verge of young adulthood and yet, they are also drawn to childlike habits which seem warm and comfortable.

I loved the way in which the adult characters interacted with the children with love and respect for the growth potential of the two children. The children were allowed to explore within the safety of parental love and trust. Their needs were seen as legitimate and the children did not violate the trust they felt in their parents. The other adult characters of Otis and Daisy also fit the mold of adults who encourage within the rubric of boundaries and safety. This is the type of book which begs for a sequel and perhaps, another as children's read about the trials, tribulations and responsibilities of growing to adulthood.