The Third Testament

Christian - Fiction
308 Pages
Reviewed on 03/05/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up a copy of the Third Testament by John Eklund. The cover is beautifully done with stained glass windows. The story centers on Fred Sankt. Years ago his loving wife died of melanoma. He still misses her; she was his soul mate. Three times a year he visits her grave site and always brings her favorite flowers, tulips.

Fred dreams about a friend. He can’t see his face, but he hears his voice. He tells Fred he has been chosen for a very special task. He has been appointed to write the third testament. Fred agrees to follow God’s will and write the testament.

Before Fred can begin writing, a series of events attempt to distract him. He is served a summons. Two years ago he’d been involved in a minor auto accident, and the other driver is now suing him for personal injury and pain. The man and the team of lawyers want all of Fred’s personal assets. Fred’s anxiety level is high. He turns to writing to distract his mind; he's worried he will lose everything.

The word melanoma brings fear. Suddenly the law suit seems trivial compared to his daughter’s life. She has melanoma.

In The Third Testament we watch as Satan attempts to thwart God’s will. He threatens to take away all of Fred’s material possessions and his family. Fred’s strength comes from God.

This book has two major plots entwined. The information in Fred’s book the Third Testament is fascinating. Much of it I had never heard before. The other plot is the fight for Ellen’s life. John Eklund is a master at his art. By weaving the two plots together, he kept me turning the pages; while if it had been just the first plot, I might have bogged down. Fred reminded me a bit of Job’s story. This book is well-written and a pleasure to read. It could have used a wee bit of editing. The author was careful to back up his information with documentation. The fight to save Ellen’s life was one that all people could relate to. We see an agnostic reconnect his faith in Jesus Christ. I highly praise this book. Well done!