The Three Kingdoms

The Sown Seed

Christian - Historical Fiction
320 Pages
Reviewed on 07/15/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

In a world filled with violence and war, a young boy seeks to find a foothold amidst the chaos and the danger in The Three Kingdoms: The Sown Seed by Mark J. Musser. After being insulted and treated as outcasts, the people of Surx begin to hunger and thirst for vengeance and war, determined to bring down the thick walls of the city of Karastian. But every time they try to overrun the city, they meet with solid resistance. For 1103 years, Karastian has endured twenty-two vicious attacks from the Surxii, repelling each of them. But after suffering the most devastating defeat and the most horrible treatment from the kings of Kizil and Andolan, the Surxii vow to have their revenge, and it happens during the twenty-third siege of the city. In the midst of the chaos a young orphan, Steffan, seeing his only home devastated by an army hungry for revenge, heads towards the bastion city. But can he find solace and healing in a city that is fast descending into turmoil?

The Three Kingdoms: The Sown Seed is a beguiling tale. The narrative voice is compelling as the author builds the world in which the story takes place. The opening chapters present the millennial conflict and introduce readers to the young protagonist, Steffan. The foundation is skillfully laid for a tale filled with action and vivid imagery. The descriptions are terrific and the author allows readers to understand the deep-seated anger of the militant Surxii. The plot is developed well and Mark J. Musser has the ability to make readers care deeply about the fate of the protagonist. This is the story of a fearless militant group poised to bring down a city that has lorded over them for centuries; it is balanced and deft, pulsating with action and filled with scenes that are emotionally charged.