This Book Is A Mistake!

A Funny And Interactive Story For Kids

Children - Grade K-3rd
44 Pages
Reviewed on 06/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rosie Malezer for Readers' Favorite

This Book Is A Mistake! is the third book in the Finn the Frog Collection, and is a children's book written by Ron Keres and illustrated by Arthur Lin. Finn the Frog is curious about what he would look like if he had a little bit of color in his life, even though he likes clean pages. Finn tells the reader to get their crayons ready before asking for new muscles, glasses, hair, and trousers. When the reader draws legs that are too short, Finn asks for longer legs. Vertigo starts to take over before Finn asks the original illustrator, Arthur Lin, to fix the adjustments and to make him just as he was. The illustrator does this but also gives him some brand-new shoes. When Finn is hungry and asks for a nice juicy fly, he gets more than he bargained for.

This Book Is A Mistake! caused me to burst out in hysterical laughter at the interaction between Finn the Frog and illustrator, Arthur Lin. While Finn fancied seeing himself look a whole lot different, he didn't realize the problems he was setting himself up for when those wishes were granted. Quite often in life, young and older audiences like to change things and make themselves look different to feel better about themselves. The truth, however, is quite often that the person wishing to look different already looks rather amazing in the first place. It is hard to see beauty staring back in a mirror, but Finn the Frog helps the reader to see how beautiful they truly are. I wholeheartedly recommend Ron Keres' hilarious tale of 'Be careful what you wish for' to all young readers aged five and over so that they can see how special they already are.