To Surrender To A Rogue

Romance - Contemporary
384 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

"To Surrender To A Rogue" is a sequel to Cara Elliott's first book "To Sin With A Scoundrel" in the Circle of Sin Series. Marchesa Alessandra della Giamatti and Lord James "Black Jack" Pierson return in this latest book. Alessandria, a widow, will do anything to protect her daughter. She is loyal to her country and keeps a close connection to family and friends.

Black Jack fought in the Army for his country and the King and did so without fear. When he meets Alessandra, and goes one on one with her over a episode with her daughter, he recognizes fear. Trying to save her daughter from a sure death, he ties her to a tree. Never has he heard such words come out of the mouth of an 8 year old, and her mother appears just as bad. He finds himself paired up with Alessandra on an archeology dig in Bath. Not only are they digging up items from an ancient empire, parts of their own past lives are being revealed. When a stranger from her past shows up, Alessandra has a couple of choices, go along with the plan, run and go into hiding again in order to save her daughter, or turn to Jack for help. As the passion between Jack and Alessandra reaches the simmering point, will it lead to a deeper romance or will it destroy them.

This book stands well alone. The characters are quite captivating. The plot will keep the reader turning the pages to see what will happen next. If you are a reader of the Regency Romance with a bit of fiery passion, you will enjoy this second in the series by Cara Elliott.