Total Control

Volume 2

Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
347 Pages
Reviewed on 08/01/2024
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Author Biography

David F. Smith is a renowned novelist, screenwriter, and filmmaker hailing from Jersey City, New Jersey. He has gained acclaim for his literary works and captivating films, including the notable "Dying of a Light", "Dying of a Light PT 2: Urban Synchronicity", "Total Control Volume 1: The Infiltration", "Total Control Volume 2: Reckoning of Ascendancy", "Mambo 2 Mambo Book 1: SOLAR" and the widely acclaimed guidebook "Smith's Quick Guide: Turning Music Into A Business Manual."

His pioneering children's picture book series titled "THE VITAMEN LEGACY" contains nine volumes in English and Spanish and stands as a heartfelt tribute to his late, extraordinary best friend and aspiring children's book author, Samantha Margarita Mena.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Reckoning of Ascendancy is the second book in Total Control by David F. Smith, a thriller that explores themes of global political intrigue, religious fanaticism, and terrorism. Yasin Akbar’s eugenics program ignites a dangerous game of power, with a sinister program to heal "the world from the blight" that is the West. Ibn, Sabreen, Saleem, Ibrahim, Ahid, and Abdul have been trained to infiltrate families in the West. They are adopted by second-generation participants in the eugenics program, unaware that they are bringing home dangerous weapons. Meanwhile, Islamic factions unify to take control of Israel. What follows is a deadly plot with a devastating showdown in the USA.

David F. Smith has crafted an immersive and spellbinding novel with everything readers look for in terrorist thrillers. Characterization is top-notch, from Fatir and his ties to a cartel to the insidiously wicked Yahya and his sister, Samira, to FBI operatives and the children with unique abilities specially trained to infiltrate American families. Each character is complex and cleverly sculpted to play a unique role in the deadly chess game of power. The conflict in Reckoning of Ascendancy is cleverly handled, and readers will be keen to follow the trajectory of each character until the explosive outcome. The writing is a delight, with a well-crafted narrative, witty dialogues, and unique descriptions. I enjoyed the fast pace, the intrigue, and the intelligently developed characters. I didn’t read the first book in the series, but this one reads like a standalone. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.