Tracing the Moon

A Memoir of a Woman's Journey In India

Non-Fiction - Memoir
354 Pages
Reviewed on 07/31/2014
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Author Biography

kumari was born in England and for the last 17 years australia is her home. she lived for 7 years in India and her memoir is an account of this time. she works as a community nurse, is a mother of two children and writes in her spare time.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey In India by Kumari Ellis is an uplifting memoir that will take readers on a mystical and spiritual journey along with the author. Judith is a nurse who cares for patients with HIV/AIDS. One night while taking care of a dying patient, Judith sees something that changes her perspective about life and death. She leaves her job in search of understanding what she saw. She lands up in Mumbai, India. She gives up everything and stays at a Sadhu's ashram in Himalayas. She visits monasteries, towns, and temples in search of truth and more understanding about the spiritual customs and culture of India. As she allows the mysticism and spirituality of India to embrace her, she also gets a new name, Prem Kumari, which is given by her spiritual guru in Lucknow. The memoir is the honest and courageous account of a person's determination to seek her inner self.

The book is a fascinating read and India will captivate readers with its colors and mysticism. The author's story is touching in many ways and the journey Prem Kumari undertakes into her own self is inspirational. The author's narrations are descriptive and she has captured the vibrant essence of India beautifully in her writings. I found the book a good read. It is simple yet profound and there are some excellent quotes and messages that can be learned from it. It is a story that will make readers take a journey in search of their inner self.

cecilia Mariani

Kumari Ellis takes you on a journey where you meet the not so explored side of India: the countryside, the hidden tracks, the little caves by the river, the villages on the mountains. The colors, smells, humor, spirituality of India and its people are all there but this is not a story about a country; India is revealed through the eyes of a fiery, open-hearted young woman, who immersed courageously in that universe to break free from different layers of illusion that kept her bound to the past. "Tracing the Moon" is an honest account of search for meaning filled with doubts, fear, ecstasy, humor, adventure, sex and hash. A real story and a real good read.

cecilia Mariani

Kumari Ellis takes you on a journey where you meet the not so explored side of India: the countryside, the hidden tracks, the little caves by the river, the villages on the mountains. The colors, smells, humor, spirituality of India and its people are all there but this is not a story about a country; India is revealed through the eyes of a fiery, open-hearted young woman, who immersed courageously in that universe to break free from different layers of illusion that kept her bound to the past. "Tracing the Moon" is an honest account of search for meaning filled with doubts, fear, ecstasy, humor, adventure, sex and hash. A real story and a real good read.

K.A. Shaw

5.0 out of 5 stars
Best book this summer and a keeper for life, September 9, 2014
Miss K A Shaw Kumari's book is such a treasure and I felt deeply touched by reading it. Her writing brings traveling alone as a young woman in India to life vividly. It brought the possibility of it closer to me. To read about the challenges and beauty of another woman's spiritual, emotional and sexual journey when written with such immediacy was a great gift to me. I have let pretty much every one of my friends know about this book as I feel that they will all enjoy reading it and feel enriched by it. I don't know if I will ever get to India but if I do I will certainly visit some of the places Kumari mentions.

Ana Suya

5.0 out of 5 stars
What a joy to follow Kumari, July 6, 2014
Ana Suya
Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
I just finished reading "Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India". What a joy to follow Kumari on the dusty roads of India, from Babaji to Naga babas to Guruji! Poetically written, light & easy, and yet profound. Beautiful quotes, I had to cry sometimes as they sank directly into my heart. Thank you Kumari for sharing this incredible period of your life!

Rachel Zinman

5.0 out of 5 stars
I couldn't put this book down, July 1, 2014
Rachel Zinman - This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
I was deeply moved by Tracing the Moon- a book I found hard to put down. I have always been on the search- longing to understand the depth and meaning of life. Reading about Kumari Ellis's search for meaning touched me deeply. Her honesty and courage, her explorations and the simplicity of her daily life, living in remote places with unusual characters. If you've longed to understand india, spirituality and wondered if its possible to experience something beyond the every day- then this book will captivate you. She writes so beautifully and I was moved to tears many times. I highly recommend this book. Its a great read!

Dino Mackay

5.0 out of 5 stars
Capitvating, June 30, 2014
This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
Tracing The Moon” is beautifully written, has a good pace to it, and kept me reading through the entire book with wonder and anticipation. It’s not just a captivating adventure through India, but a very honest and authentically written account of the author’s inner journey. I was really touched in reading this book.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a good read with depth and spirit. Well done Kumari Ellis.

Marina Bolz

5.0 out of 5 stars
Love this book!, June 25, 2014
marina Bolz -

This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
Exotic India comes to life in all its colors, smells and sounds. If you know India you will have a smile on your face! If you don't know it you'll find yourself wanting to go. India is a perfect setting for this 19 years young beautiful woman to embark on the courageous journey into her self. A great read, captivating, beautifully written!

Sarah Armstrong

5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating, June 25, 2014
Sarah Armstrong

This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
I so appreciated the detail Kumari Ellis gives of her spiritual journey. I felt inspired and humbled and was lead to consider my own life. And the detail of India is wonderfully evocative. An absorbing read.

Lynn Schloeman

5.o out of 5 stars What blessings, June 23, 2014
lynn schloemann

This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
I am not one to comment or write as I don't feel I am someone to write and don't use the venue, but I could not put the book down since I picked it up and its amazing journal of life lead me to write here! What a divine treat. Such a personal experience written - and in reading the pages of intimacy and truth. This exposure of Kumari's life - lead me more inside - who I am and my own experience of myself. The writing was not only beautiful and poetic, but the story and telling kept me - page by page - in such awe. I am grateful that Kurmari has shared her journey with her words - not only with me, but on page.

Anita Lococo

5.0 out of 5 stars Tracing the moon, May 26, 2014
Anita Lococo - Loved this book. Can relate so much to it since I am a devotee of Papaji too
So real your adventure
Om shanti om

Michele Rowan

5.o out of 5 stars Highly recommended for anyone who loves journeying., May 25, 2014
Michelle Rowan - This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Kindle Edition)
Read it. And then go to India and explore it for yourself! This is one of my most favourite and memorable accounts of India. It is such an honest and unique yet familiar tale of discovery and self enquiry. For me, it was a great lesson in just letting go, sitting quietly and being in the moment.

This book nourished me in a way that surprised me. It made me realise much of what I feel as a solo female traveller is shared by other women. Having travelled to many of the places Kumari visited, even staying in Babaji's ashram in Dharamsala, it amazes me that whilst we visited the same places, albeit for very different reasons, the outcome and emotions experienced by Kumari were often a direct reflection of my own journey, which is why I think this is a wonderful read for any traveller (both travellers of mind and body).

As I sit here in Delhi writing this review, en route to Dharamsala for the season, I thank you Kumari for reminding me just how fortunate I am to have the time and space to explore. And thank you Kumari for being brave enough to share your story with the world and I wish you every success. Om namah Shiva.

Elaine Silar

5.0 out of 5 stars A search for self in the high himalyas....., May 1, 2014
Elaine (Australia)

This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
An intriguing true story of a young woman's search for 'spirit', for herself, and for her path in life. She is courageous beyond what most 19 year olds attempt, going off to India alone and living with and like a sadhu on her own in the back of beyond. Her sharing is honest, vulnerable, powerful and beautifully written. I wondered how she could sustain my interest in so little outward activity, but my fascination continued right to the last page. Highly recommended!

Lois Worlidge

5.0 out of 5 stars Superb, March 30, 2014
Lois Worlidge This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Kindle Edition)
I Love it - felt like I could take every step of the way with Kumari - such succinct prose.....

Louisa Miranda

5.0 out of 5 stars A beautiful account of what happens when you accept the challenge ..., August 22, 2014
Louisa Miranda

This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
A beautiful account of what happens when you accept the challenge to find and live a life of meaning. Looking forward to part II.

Justin Andrews

5.0 out of 5 stars
What a wonderful title...., 6 April 2014
Justin Andrews (Devon, England)

This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
I really enjoyed this book, and bought it very soon after a friend posted news of its publication on FB. I tried to write this review before but failed. I loved the descriptions of travel in India, of the people and places. The different relationships with the principle characters in the story, the nature of the young woman seeking for answers, the different characters that appear who may or may not know the answer to the question (if indeed it is a question as such) that arises for Judith at the beginning of the book, maybe the big questions of life, death, love, peace and awakening that took her and many to India. The quest is on... And what did Prem Kumari find on this quest? It all sounds really amazing to those who have found the Guru culture of India fascinating and may aspire to an understanding of this life which we may attribute to these Gurus, that they know something we don't or who may experience this life in a way which we aspire to. Whether deliberately or not, what I found the most powerful thing about this book was not what it offered explicitly (although I did love it!), but what may be metaphorically described by the nature of sunlight as opposed to moonlight. All the grace, all the wonder of fantastic times with wonderful teachers and friends, the magic, danger and excitement. But there is a wonderfully delivered lurking shadow that arises at times, symbolized for me by the return trips to England, to parents and home, to the Father, to the great fire. What a wonderful broad and yet detailed brushstroke of a memoir, but as Kumari mentions 'depth' somewhere in the book, for me this is a tantalizing first book, and I hope that more will follow, not in breadth, but depth. What actually did it all mean? Excellent. Bright, sparkling, illusory Moonlight.

Martin Aylward

An exquisite, poetic account of a journey of awakening, 6 April 2014
Martin Aylward

This review is from: Tracing the Moon: A Memoir of a Woman's Journey in India (Paperback)
Kumari draws on both her extraordinary depth of experience in India, and her lyrical ability with language, to seduce the reader into a mystical exploration, both of mystical India, and of the reader's own longing for depth and discovery.

I lived in India at the same time as this memoir covers, Kumari and I were and remain good friends, and I lived closely with Babaji over 3 years, and remained close to him until his death in 2012.

Kumari's writing captures the feel of that time beautifully, and captures Babaji, his language and manner, his ease of being and deep simplicity, in a way that I found profoundly moving.

I would thoroughly recommend this book to all those who love India, and also equally, for those who may never have been, but who share that stirring in the soul that invites us to take risk, to explore consciousness, to leave behind the familiar and dare to really find out who we are, to confront the depth and mystery of what it is to be human, to be conscious, to be here.

Kumari's journey, and her commitment to the unfolding of her soul, might deeply inspire you in finding and following your own path.

Leigh O'Malley

I highly recommend reading this touching and thoroughly captivating memoir. A very well deserved 5 STAR review!

Christopher Dean

Loved this book. Have spent a lot of time in India in many of the places outlined by Kumari. The book is very accurate and detailed in description, as well as emotionally engaging and vibrant with honesty as we share in the journey of growth. I loved this book.

Cecilia Suman

Wonderful story, sensitive and honest and beautifully written.


really enjoyed reading Kumari's amazing story... she tells it with a refreshing openness & honesty taking you right into the picture ... & giving you a real feel of her heart opening journey