Treasures in a Bottle

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
246 Pages
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

If people no longer believe in magic, will magic and magical creatures cease to exist? And, if so, what will happen to the memories of a magical time, the legend of a wizard named Merlin and his prodigy, King Arthur? Not to mention the famous town that they built together, Camelot. In April Henley’s Treasure in a Bottle, Merlin's story is revisited and the mystery behind his existence after the sad and tragic demise of King Arthur and Camelot fades into the dust from whence they came. But Merlin lived on and he had a story to share, one that will captivate readers as much as the Arthurian legend itself. There is a threat, though, as Merlin’s dragons reveal that humans are losing their belief in magic and so magic is fading away. What can be done to stop this disturbing possibility from becoming a reality? Merlin’s plan becomes his quest and the journey will have young readers spellbound.

April Henley’s Treasure in a Bottle is a riveting fantasy that takes legend and folklore beyond the possibilities of what is already believed. The plot begins with a summary of the events that led to the downfall of the great King Arthur. Merlin disappears, to protect himself from those who would destroy him if they could. He makes his home in a cave, surrounded by dragons, and pursues the need to write his memoirs, the stories that brought him to this place. The narrative is riveting and reads like a legend, one to be shared around campfires for generations past and present. The dialogue is sparse but effective, the characters are well-developed and the adventure is engaging. This is a great read for those who love the fantasy and magic of the legendary wizard, Merlin.