
3 Tales of Dark Urban Fantasy

Fiction - Anthology
156 Pages
Reviewed on 09/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Trio: 3 Tales of Dark Urban Fantasy by Phillip Johnson is a collection of stories that explore grief, identity, and existential questions. They have science fiction and supernatural elements, with tales of immortal beings, interdimensional ships, and time travel. The first story, Aaron’s Last Day, follows the life of a fragile boy and his elderly mentor and protector. It covers the past and present, shifting between dreams and reality, and conveys messages of justice, hope, and new beginnings. The second tale, Anomalous Node, delves into themes of guilt and isolation. It tells the story of Thomas, a man struggling with his past and the weight of his neighbors' secrets. The last story is A Light Revision, and it revolves around Oliver, the last descendant of his bloodline. Despite his magical life, he struggles with his indifferent mother and undefined destiny.

Trio: 3 Tales of Dark Urban Fantasy is an engaging collection with a bit of everything. Phillip Johnson combines suspense and drama into captivating narratives that explore life’s complexities. Each tale is thought-provoking with psychological elements that draw readers into the characters’ worlds and help them connect with and relate to their struggles. The characters grapple with challenges related to modern life, such as addictions, morality, and guilt. This makes them authentic and immersive, as readers can see reflections of their own experiences in the characters' journeys. The collision of fantasy and reality is what makes this book stand out. The smooth narration and unpredictable plots also add to the book’s uniqueness. The stories have great character development and highlight the interconnectedness of human experiences. We learn from everyone we meet, and each experience shapes who we are. Overall, this is a must-read for anyone who loves short fantasy tales with life-changing lessons.