Tumbling Stones

Fiction - Womens
220 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ginna Lamkie for Readers' Favorite

Tumbling Stones by Carol Clark Roberts is a novel about the perfect family. Phil is a respected and well liked college professor; his wife Anne stays in their lovely home, taking care of her children and catering to her husband. Their perfect world comes crashing down when Anne receives a letter from a dear friend accusing Phil of adultery. Anne begins to see glaring flaws in her life that she had blissfully ignored for 20 years. She has to decide if she can stand on her own two feet, or if she’ll even be given a choice.

Tumbling Stones drew me in quickly and didn’t let me go! This book flowed so organically, the story was gripping, but all too real. It could be the secret life of anyone you know. I found myself emotionally involved with the characters. I despised Phil, I saw through all of his lies and fake smiles. My heart ached for Anne in the beginning, I wanted to give her advice and hold her hand. Then I wanted to shake her and ask her what she was thinking when she didn’t act the way I felt I would have. The way she grew and found her own feet was so familiar to me.

I feel like this book will speak to many women. Not just those that have been cheated on, but anyone who has found herself unhappily dependent on someone at any point in her life.