
The Art of Being Ugly Book 2

Young Adult - General
364 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Uglier explores the struggles and triumphs of Nic Summers, a young artist looking for a fresh start in a boarding school far from her conservative roots in Oklahoma City. In this second installment of The Art of Being Ugly series, Kelly Vincent explores the complexities of gender identity, acceptance, and self-discovery with an unflinching eye. The story captures the delicate balance of a teen's emotional world, where every moment feels like it could tip the scales toward growth or devastation. Nic's journey is inspiring and heart-wrenching as she navigates a new school environment, hoping to find solace in creativity and camaraderie. Upon checking in, she was referred to as a “he,” introducing the catalyst immediately, which I loved. While new friendships and supportive mentors offer glimmers of hope, a relentless bully and a personal misstep threaten to upend everything Nic has fought so hard to build.

Kelly Vincent's writing is earnest and empathetic, drawing readers into a teenager's internal and external conflicts trying to find her place in an often unkind world. While the book doesn’t shy away from heavy topics, it also doesn’t dwell in despair, offering a message of hope, understanding, and the importance of authenticity. Uglier is a compelling choice for readers looking for a contemporary YA novel that deals with identity, resilience, and the art of being true to oneself. It’s a touching reminder that even when the world seems harsh, there are always moments of understanding and acceptance. Vincent provides a realistic view of the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.