Un-Ringing the Bell

How Much Knowledge is Too Much Knowledge?

Fiction - Science Fiction
238 Pages
Reviewed on 09/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Un-Ringing the Bell: How Much Knowledge is Too Much Knowledge? is a work of fiction in the science fiction, metaphysical writing, and Christian suspense subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience and was penned by the author duo Ralph and Lynda Homan. The plot follows Barney Keller, a brilliant yet unconventional theoretical physicist pursuing theories dismissed by his colleagues. Despite being labeled a crackpot, Barney persists in creating a portal to an extra dimension. After numerous failures, he unexpectedly finds himself in the 7th dimension, filled with wondrous lights and sounds. Barney discovers the potential to end war and transform Earth into an idyllic place. However, a premature leak of his discovery sparks global fear, leading governments to seek its destruction. Now pursued and under threat, Barney must undo the unintended consequences of his breakthrough.

Author team Ralph and Lynda Homan have crafted an immersive and engaging novel that presents a thrilling exploration of the intersection between science, religion, and global politics. For a concise read that you can devour in a single afternoon, there’s a lot of food for thought as the narrative raises intriguing questions about the consequences of knowledge and the responsibility that comes with scientific discovery. I was also really impressed with the character development around Barney, whose eccentric ways are authentically presented in his dialogue and description, making him a really endearing oddball that we want to root for right until the end. The pursuit of a utopian world clashes with the darker motives of those in power, creating a suspenseful and thought-provoking story that kept me engaged from start to finish and the novel is well-paced to shift between scenes cinematically and smoothly. Overall, Un-Ringing the Bell is a highly recommended sci-fi work that will whisk you away into an interesting world of science, religion, and wonder.

Jamie Michele

Un-Ringing the Bell by Ralph and Lynda Homan follows Barney Keller, a reclusive theoretical physicist, as he explores opening portals to extra dimensions based on string theory. A visit to a local store with his girlfriend, Lois, reveals a haunted former brothel that piques Barney's curiosity and has him tinkering with Ouija boards. As he continues his scientific pursuits, a breakthrough with his PPSC device leads to his sudden transport into a glowing portal, where he engages in transformative conversations in an alternate dimension, gaining insights about the interconnectedness of life, death, and spirituality. As his research draws attention, concerns about national security arise, reaching as far as the U.S. President. Threats from foreign agents and escalating tensions lead Barney to consider using time travel to protect his discovery, just as his power is cut and troops mass outside his cabin, jeopardizing his work.

Un-Ringing the Bell by Ralph and Lynda Homan is an entertaining work of speculative fiction that ties together scientific concepts like string theory and phase shifts with supernatural elements, creating a unique and intriguing fusion of science fiction and spirituality. As a person who grew up in a household where one parent described his religion as “academic” and the other went to church twice a week for decades, this was a standout feature to me that made Barney's transformation relatable. This is especially true with his transition from atheist to believer in his emotional journey and in his struggle to express his experiences. The writing is straightforward and has a simplistic quality to it that makes complicated themes accessible to all levels of readers. With plenty of humor mixed in, this book is well worth spending an afternoon immersed in it. Recommended.

Essien Asian

Barney Keller’s work as a theoretical physicist had always managed to rub his colleagues up the wrong way. Most of them chose to ignore his musings, sometimes comparing his work to the postulations of a crackpot but none of that ever really bothered Barney until recently. It turns out his study on portal creation may be more than just a theory as he can open up an extradimensional portal to an unusual location not on this planet. Suddenly this sometimes comedic and shy intellectual has become the center of attention in the scientific sphere, which attracts even those who will go to any lengths to take his invention from him. Only time will tell how Barney solves this conundrum in Ralph and Lynda Homan’s Un-Ringing The Bell.

Un-Ringing The Bell by Ralph and Lynda Homan initially reads like something out of a science journal but transitions to a lighter tone as it progresses. The characters in the story are easy to understand and their conversations, be they scientific or even the simplistic banter of neighbors, flow with the novel’s overall humorous tone. The government’s response to Barney’s breakthrough comes off as a bit paranoid and Agent Hutchins’s approach to getting to Barney makes for some interesting reading. The nice thing about this novel is the way the Homans balance their principal character’s impressive over-analysis of every situation with his almost child-like innocence when it comes to his relationship with Lois. Un-Ringing The Bell is an interesting science fiction adventure with just the right touch of romance to captivate readers. An entertaining reading experience overall.

Pikasho Deka

Un-Ringing the Bell by Ralph and Lynda Homan follows the adventures of an eccentric theoretical physicist named Barney Keller. Called a 'crackpot' by his colleagues and rivals, Barney is still determined to prove the existence of the eleven dimensions suggested by String Theory. When he finally finds a way to create a portal, Barney finds himself transported to the 7th dimension, and it turns his worldview upside down. A longtime atheist, Barney encounters an omnipotent entity who opens his eyes to a new perspective on religion. After his return to Earth, Barney realizes that his acquired knowledge can be used to eradicate humanity's many problems. But is it too soon to reveal his discoveries? Meanwhile, his own and foreign governments are trying to hunt him down. Will he be able to 'un-ring' the bell and protect his knowledge?

Hop on board for a thought-provoking sci-fi adventure with Un-Ringing the Bell. Ralph and Lynda Homan take you on a wild ride full of mystery, thrills, and shocking reveals. Keeping a brisk pace, the authors weave a sci-fi yarn that takes you by surprise at regular intervals with plot twists and turns that you never see coming. The characters are quirky and full of idiosyncracies you can't help but love. Barney is a fascinating protagonist. By the midway point, he is completely changed as a person, turning from a fully-fledged atheist into a believer. I really enjoyed his scenes with his girlfriend, Lois, and the camp kids. All in all, this was a breezy read from the get-go. If you're looking for a fast-paced sci-fi adventure novel, this book is perfect for you!

Emma Megan

Un-Ringing the Bell by Ralph and Lynda Homan is a compelling science fiction novel about a brilliant man who discovers how much knowledge is too much knowledge. Barney Keller is a theoretical physicist who believes in the reality of the eleven dimensions proposed by string theory, and he is determined to prove it. Many of his physicist colleagues disagree with his beliefs, but with time, Barney makes discoveries that lead him to build a device that transports him to another dimension. Barney strongly believes that his discovery can build a bridge between science and religion and solve many of the world's problems. But in the wrong hands, it can also be weaponized to cause destruction. Now, Barney's life and his latest accomplishments are in great danger.

Un-Ringing the Bell by Ralph and Lynda Homan is an excellent and not-so-typical science fiction novel. It revolves around the eleven dimensions, multiverses, time travel, string theory, spirits, and portals. While it shows that knowledge is power, knowledge is not always good, and with it comes great responsibility, this book also makes you wonder if it is possible to invent technology that could make the world a better place forever. The plot of this thought-provoking novel offers both scientists and Christian believers new insights into the meaning of life, the nature of God, the consequences of bad behavior, and the spiritual connection between all things. The great blend of intrigue and suspense makes it hard to put this book down once you start reading. I recommend it to science fiction fans and those who wonder about the afterlife.