Upgrade Now

Succeed Intelligently, Live Better, and Earn More

Non-Fiction - Self Help
74 Pages
Reviewed on 05/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Upgrade Now: Succeed Intelligently, Live Better, and Earn More by Jean Luc Angrand is a guide for self and career advancement to help readers become successful and satisfied individuals. Angrand provides useful tips and shares success stories, making this an engaging guide for those who want to improve their lives. The book starts by highlighting the interdependence of intelligence and lifestyle, and, with this notion, the author sets the tone for presenting the systemic view of success that has been built based on personal success strategies. Angrand shares personal and other people’s stories to teach readers how to improve themselves and find meaning in life. Using interesting narratives and examples from everyday life, he helps readers understand the importance of choosing one’s path and striving to be meaningful in today’s world.

Filled with real-life examples, tools, and tips, every chapter is a collection of ideas on how to apply the concepts outlined in this book to one’s own life. Starting from the formation of smart goals to understanding different techniques of time management, Jean Luc Angrand offers readers the tools that will help them achieve the success they desire. The author has a powerful and effective way of expressing ideas, which is simple and easy to comprehend. Difficult concepts are simplified and rendered in the simplest and clearest language possible so that any reader at any level can understand what the book offers. I highly recommend Upgrade Now to readers who want to discover how to maximize their potential and become successful individuals.