V. I. Puptonians

The Mysterious Arrival

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
204 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Astrid Iustulin for Readers' Favorite

Would you dare to look inside a spaceship? One day, two siblings, Ava and Joe, find that an alien spaceship has landed in their backyard and that six small light-brown creatures are inside. The siblings feed them, hear their first words, observe them as they walk and run, give them names inspired by the solar system's planets, and become their friends. But who are the six creatures? Where do they come from? It seems clear that someone sent the creatures to Earth for their safety, but is it true, as Joe argues, that bad aliens are after them? Bill Trueblood will reveal all in V. I. Puptonians: The Mysterious Arrival.

V. I. Puptonians was a hoot; it has been a while since I have had this much fun reading a book for young readers, and I believe they will all find this story to be just as memorable and entertaining. There is not a single moment when you feel bored because Bill Trueblood has created an engaging plot with amazing adventures (including those related to food) and represented the characters in a delightful way. The six alien babies, Ava and Joe (and their equally young neighbors) are adorable. If I had to choose my favorites, they would be Saturn for their jokes and Mars with their amnesia. I am thrilled with this book and recommend it to all young readers who appreciate entertaining stories about unusual friendships. I am sure they will read it over and over again.