Vijay Visits a Farm

A children’s book about new experiences and social skills

Children - Picture Book
33 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Hop on for an adventure in the countryside with Vijay Visits a Farm by Preethi Srinivas. Vijay's mom takes him to a quiet farm in the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of their home in the city. But Vijay would rather play video games than be in this new place that smells weird. However, his mom assures him that being in nature and around animals will make him feel good. Soon, the farm owner's daughter, Lily, arrives and tells Vijay she will show him around. She leads him to her favorite place on the farm, where they meet Joy -- the cow with a bell. Seeing Lily's bond with Joy, Vijay overcomes his fear and pats Joy. He also brushes Joy's coat and talks to her. Now, Vijay wants to revisit the farm.

Vijay Visits a Farm is an engaging picture book that is bound to instill a love of animals and nature in young readers. Author Preethi Srinivas tells a delightful story about a young boy's first experience of farm life. There's something inherently magical about domestic animals that helps them bond with children, and this book perfectly demonstrates that. Srinivas has crafted some very likable characters who kids will find easy to relate to. Vijay and Lily are adorable children. However, it's Joy, the cow, who is the scene-stealer in the book. Illustrator Nadia Ronquillo has done a wonderful job with the artwork as the colorful illustrations make the narrative even more enjoyable. If you think your child is too obsessed with video games, smartphones, or other electronic gadgets, this illustrated adventure book is for you. Grab a copy and teach them to love nature and animals!