What Really Happened To The Hat and The Gloves

Fiction - Literary
42 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ann Linus for Readers' Favorite

What Really Happened To The Hat and The Gloves by Cynthia Cook is a true story about a family’s inquiry into what happened to a hat. Marion is a wealthy old lady with Alzheimer’s and terrible eyesight. She is sure she saw her sister Candace destroy Sunshine's beloved hat with a pair of scissors. Shane is Marion’s son and Sunshine’s partner. Shane and Sunshine take care of Marion now that her health is declining. Shane and Sunshine did not witness the event, but they believe Marion’s testimony and have decided to cut off Candace and her husband Paul. Candace and Paul are livid by this accusation, especially since there is no evidence of the mutilated part of the hat. Now Candace regrets ever reconnecting with Marion after all Marion had done in the past.

What Really Happened To The Hat and The Gloves is a contemporary thriller novella. The plot, which is centered around family drama, is very relatable—a big fight over a small thing. However, the hat was merely the last straw in years of sibling rivalry and betrayal. I love how the story unfolded from multiple points of view, with each chapter dedicated to a character, from the most accusatory to the most revelatory. And with each chapter, my allegiance to the characters gradually changed because, in this kind of story, you cannot help but take sides. I enjoyed this book and recommend it. What Really Happened To The Hat and The Gloves by Cynthia Cook is a perfect choice for a quick lunch break.