Where'd Grandma Go

Children - Grade K-3rd
44 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foram Vyas for Readers' Favorite

Where'd Grandma Go by Rhonda Goodall is a tender and heartfelt story designed to help young children navigate the complex emotions associated with the loss of a loved one. Told from the perspective of Goodall’s youngest son, who was only four years old at the time of their family's loss, the book gently explores the confusion and sadness that accompany the death of a grandparent. The narrative is simple yet deeply touching, making it accessible to young readers while addressing their feelings with empathy and care. The illustrations by Rhonda Goodall complement the story perfectly, providing a soothing visual accompaniment to the text. Where'd Grandma Go offers a gentle way to open up conversations about loss and grief, making it a valuable resource for families dealing with similar experiences.

Rhonda Goodall's writing is compassionate and thoughtful, capturing the innocence and sincerity of a child's perspective on loss. The plot is straightforward yet powerful, allowing the themes of love, remembrance, and healing to shine through. The pace is well-suited for young readers, providing ample time to absorb and reflect on each page without feeling overwhelmed. Goodall’s skill in addressing such a sensitive topic with kindness and clarity is commendable, making the book both comforting and enlightening. The characters, particularly the young narrator, are relatable and endearing, drawing readers into their world with ease. Overall, Where'd Grandma Go is a beautifully written and illustrated book that handles the delicate subject of loss with grace, making Rhonda Goodall’s work a touching addition to children's literature on grief and remembrance.