Why Dieting & Exercise Really Suck

What you can do instead, it's not what you think

Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
170 Pages
Reviewed on 06/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

According to Vince Espejo, dieting and exercise don't have to be frustrating or difficult. You don't have to be a gym fanatic or completely steer clear of delicious food. You can incorporate easy and efficient practices into your daily activities. In Why Dieting & Exercise Really Suck, Vince presents healthy daily practices and choices that can improve life expectancy and quality. He enlightens readers by sharing his health journey, smart conclusions, and findings from multiple studies. The book highlights unhealthy practices common to most Americans, like a sedentary lifestyle and excessive sugar consumption. It contains instructions on developing good habits, setting healthy goals, engaging in simple exercises, reducing unhealthy cravings, and more. Additionally, you'll gain access to a six-month program for improving your health and lifestyle, as well as a program that will help you maintain longevity habits.

Vince Espejo creates an engaging self-help book that smoothly combines personal stories, a conversational tone, and eye-opening observations. Whether he's asking the reader a question or speaking about being shocked by food choices in the USA as an immigrant, the book maintains its interactive feel from start to finish. Furthermore, it offers detailed instructions on some exercises and shows you how you'll be impacted by them. I was excited to learn that push-ups are not only good for the upper body. They also "help strengthen the muscles in your legs, particularly the quadriceps, and glutes." By the time you've completed Why Dieting & Exercise Really Suck, you will know a lot about simple and effective exercises, good food choices, and many healthy practices. You will be motivated to get started immediately with health goals and equipped with the right tools for sticking to good habits for life.