Why They Came

Between Dark and Light

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
163 Pages
Reviewed on 05/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Drake Hamilton may be the top athlete at school and one of the most popular kids, but none of that matters since the aliens came to town. Following the three alien rules seems to be the only way to survive this extraterrestrial assault. People say that when an alien touches you, it is only a matter of time before you die in the most horrific manner possible. Drake has no intention of becoming a victim, but when his father starts exhibiting signs of being touched, he knows it is a race against time to prevent disaster. He enlists the help of a friend as he attempts to do what no one has done before in Chris Von Halle's Why They Came: Between Dark and Light.

Chris Von Halle's remarkable storyline presents a plausible take on an Orwellian alien invasion narrative where the aliens engage with humans daily. The way Von Halle creates an origin story for each character and provides readers with an incredibly intricate understanding of how things came to be is an excellent example of sound character development. Their varied conversations range from lighthearted to thought-provoking exchanges, driving readers to decipher the messages concealed between the lines. The adventure flows remarkably, with Von Halle purposefully building the excitement with hints left in the most unlikely places to draw readers in and encourage them to solve the growing mystery. The best illustration of this is when Drake begins to doubt himself after learning the aliens' method of operation. The engaging storytelling style honors traditional nuclear family dynamics within a cleverly constructed adventure. Mystery readers will enjoy reading Von Halle's Why They Came as much as I did.