You Are Not Here

Stories and Inspirations for Those Who Have Not Yet Arrived

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
225 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Michael Albanese penned You Are Not Here: Stories and Inspirations for Those Who Have Not Yet Arrived after he realized he was not where he planned to be at a certain stage in his life. The poem, Ithaka, resonated with him, and he uses the words from the poem to emphasize his feelings about life and the detours on the journey to accomplish goals. Among many topics, Albanese discusses his past, talks about his relocation, reveals his early mentor, Edward Albee, mentions his wife's health, and tells a story about an unexpected bartending job. The author touches on comparisons, expectations, people-pleasing behaviors, imposter syndrome, "arrival fallacy", and gratitude. Albanese imparts knowledge and urges readers to invest in their discoveries and lessons as they travel to their destinations in life.

Writer, actor, and producer Michael Albanese shares his views and experiences with his storytelling flair and wisdom. Even though he is successful, he outlines his perspective on where he thought he would be at a certain stage in his life versus where he landed after the joys and challenges he faced from his decisions and outside influences. Starting with any chapter, you can look through the material, focusing on the topics most closely related to your current feelings. This book may be viewed as an insightful and dedicated work and/or a daily reading with encouraging points and phrases that will urge you to see yourself and where you are on your path in a more accepting way. JJ Richard's illustrations are relevant and sometimes humorous. Readers who enjoy thoughts and poems on their walk to finding their purpose will benefit from reading You Are Not Here.

Pikasho Deka

Inspired by Constantine P. Cavafy's 1911 poem, Ithaka, You Are Not Here is a semi-autobiographical anthology of short stories, affirmations, and anecdotes. Everyone chases their own version of the island of Ithaka. While following up on his dream to become an actor as a young man, Michael Albanese found himself broke and homeless in Hell's Kitchen, New York City, and had to work as a bartender to survive. He met Pulitzer-winning playwright Edward Albee, who taught him how truth can be dangerous and effective in equal measure. In this captivating memoir/self-help guide, the author delves into the things that hinder us from reaching our Ithaka, such as addiction, hate, narcissism, corruption, etc. The book also touches on how unrealistic expectations hamper our progress and encourages you to learn to say no, find yourself in your work, and more.

You Are Not Here is for dreamers and those walking the path in search of their true selves. This illuminating anthology contains stories from Michael Albanese's life as well as some real-world uplifting anecdotes about his friends and other notable people who have made their mark in the world. Apart from his career struggles, Albanese shares the inspirational story of how his wife overcame recurring health issues to continue being a wife, mother, and professional actress. You will also find affirmations and quotes from some recognizable names. If there's one word that could describe this book, I would choose 'inspiring.' This is the second book I've read by Albanese, and I've realized that hope is one of the most significant themes in his writing. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a bit of inspiration and motivation in their lives.

C.R. Hurst

Part memoir, part philosophical commentary, Michael Albanese’s You Are Not Here: Stories and Inspiration for Those Who Have Not Yet Arrived offers an engaging look at one of modern life’s most complex questions: How do we pursue our dreams for the future without losing sight of our present? The author’s answer to this question is surprisingly simple – getting there is half the fun and not realizing that may very well keep you from living the life you were meant to live. To prove his point, the author offers up his own life stories and those of his friends, as well as poems, quotes, amusing anecdotes, and clever stick figure illustrations by JJ Richards to convince his readers that, as cliched as it might sound, life is indeed best lived as a journey, not a destination.

Michael Albanese’s enthusiasm for his subject makes for a compelling read, as does his self-deprecating humor. He recounts some incidents in his life which may well prove that it’s better to be lucky than smart. His many and varied sources also entertain and inspire. He drops the names of celebrities who have struggled mightily with success (actor Daniel Day-Lewis, for one; filmmaker David Lynch for another), examines the wisdom of the poem “Ithaka” by C.P. Cavafy, takes a hard look at his alcoholism, and credits his Christian faith and his family and friends for any wisdom he may have found in his fifty years of living. Yet thankfully he does not claim that his path to Ithaka is the only one. In truth, that road is for each of us to discover. The author simply hopes that our roads are long ones. I came away from You Are Not Here wishing him the same.

Adanna Ora

As we progress on this journey called life, there are times when we feel we have accomplished much, while there are other times when we feel like we haven’t achieved anything meaningful. Sadly, the latter is the greater part of people’s reality, and when people begin to dwell more on this feeling, it affects their view of life and reduces the vigor with which they would have approached life. Michael Albanese seeks to address this set of people, divert their minds toward what they are looking at, and make them see the other side of the situation. Michael proposes that the beauty of life is not being at the final destination, which he calls Ithaka, but in the journey of arriving at that destination. To achieve this, he shares personal stories and stories of other people to help readers appreciate every experience that life throws at them in You Are Not Here.

What is there not to love about You Are Not Here? Words cannot begin to describe how much I was blessed by reading this book. From the wise quotes of great men that were cited to the many stories that were told, Michael Albanese shows us that everyone is on a unique path of their own. The book is divided into subtopics that deal with different issues humans face and address how we can navigate those issues and feelings. Another thing I loved is the links and QR codes he provides to help interested readers read more about things that are beneficial to them. The best quote I read is: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” This goes to show how much I was impacted. I recommend You Are Not Here to everyone, including every young adult who is starting out in life and those who feel they are underachieving. It will bless your life, just as it has blessed mine.

Luwi Nyakansaila

You Are Not Here is a collection of short stories and profound thoughts written by Michael Albanese with illustrations by JJ Richards. The author drew inspiration for this book from the poem Ithaka by Constantine Cavafy, which was influenced by Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. Each story presents a lesson on the journey to Ithaka, encouraging readers to reflect on their path. The book explores various themes and lessons, such as meeting challenges with courage, growing through life's experiences, embracing change, and adapting to discomfort. The author discusses being willing to learn, as demonstrated through a rough game of basketball, and not letting our dreams hinder us from focusing on the people and moments that matter. The book skillfully weaves together messages about personal growth, meaningful relationships, and finding purpose and true happiness, providing a roadmap for readers to discover their own path to their own Ithaka.

Michael Albanese's You Are Not Here is a thought-provoking and inspiring read that explores themes of human experiences and resilience, much like his poetry collection Jackhammer Lullaby, which I recently read. Through the author's personal experiences and insights, You Are Not Here takes readers on a relatable and introspective journey, prompting them to reflect on their values, goals, and aspirations, ultimately guiding them toward a more authentic and purposeful life. This is a captivating and multifaceted read that seamlessly blends entertaining stories, engaging illustrations, and valuable life lessons. It can be approached as a memoir, offering a personal and relatable narrative, or as a self-help guide, providing practical advice and insights for personal growth and development. Alternatively, it can be read as a motivational book, inspiring readers to overcome challenges and pursue their passions with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.