You're Getting Bumped

Non-Fiction - Memoir
434 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

You’re Getting Bumped by Kelly D. Wilson is a wonderful memoir and family history that traces almost 100 years of the Kelly and Wilson families. At the center of the story, standing like a colossus, is Barbara Kelly, who during World War Two met and married Dale Wilson in Joplin, Missouri. Barbara’s family considered it a bad match and discouraged her from getting involved with Dale. They felt the two were total opposites, that Dale would never really amount to much, and was not good enough for their beloved Barbara, who was outgoing and very loving. Despite their objections, the marriage did take place, secretly, and eventually, Dale and Barbara would begin their remarkable married life together; a marriage that would produce an astonishing thirteen children and subsequent generations who would owe their existence to this couple. The book is a collection of the thoughts and recollections of various participants in the lives of Dale and Barbara, going back to trace their roots, as well as following the various ups, downs, joys, and calamities of their married life during one of the periods of most radical change in American history.

You’re Getting Bumped is special for many reasons. First, it is a wonderful chronicle of an ordinary woman with an extraordinary heart who had boundless love to give to all. Although future generations might look back with a “rose-tinted” view of their parents or grandparents, remembering only the good times and ignoring the bad, author Kelly D. Wilson has steadfastly shown us all the aspects of this family’s life, good and bad, and shied away from nothing. Second, it reminds us that those with a positive perspective on life and a great capacity to love are the ones who are most successful at this tricky business called life. Third, it is staggering to think how much humanity these families have already and will continue to add to society just by their existence. What I particularly loved was that the author sought out those family members directly involved in the various stages of Dale's and Barbara’s lives and their recollections, feelings, and opinions make up the bulk of the material. This intensely personal aspect gives the story so much truth and balance. There were parts I found intensely emotional and that doesn’t often happen, so kudos to the author for managing to elicit such powerful responses from me. You don’t have to be a Kelly or a Wilson to want to read this book; it is a story of ordinary people living ordinary lives and still making a massive impact on the people they love and interact with. This is the main reason why it is so special; the Wilsons or the Kellys could just as easily be your family. I’m not sure where Kelly D. Wilson fits into the Wilson bumping line; however, the author has done this family, and especially Barbara Wilson (Kelly), an immense service by producing a wonderful family history. I highly recommend this book.