Zippy Travels to Northeast

Children - Picture Book
52 Pages
Reviewed on 07/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Zippy Travels to Northeast by Katie McManus is a delightful children's book that tells the adventurous tale of Zippy, a curious hummingbird from California. As Zippy's family prepares to migrate south for the winter, he decides to embark on a daring journey to the far Northeast instead. Along his travels, Zippy meets Annie and her family, who are astonished to see a brown hummingbird in their region just as winter approaches. Zippy's presence quickly becomes a local sensation, with people from all around coming to catch a glimpse of this rare visitor. Although Zippy appreciates all that Annie and her family have done for him, he begins to miss his family. But will he make it to the south in time to see them?

Children and parents alike will fall in love with Zippy Travels to Northeast for its heartwarming story of adventure, curiosity, and the joy of discovering new places. The narrative beautifully captures the spirit of exploration through Zippy’s journey, encouraging young readers to embrace their sense of wonder and imagination. The illustrations are equally captivating, with vibrant and detailed artwork that brings Zippy's world to life. The images of the hummingbird in various settings—from the sunny landscapes of California to the crisp, cool atmosphere of the Northeast—are particularly striking, adding depth and visual appeal to the story. Katie McManus’ ability to pair a simple yet meaningful narrative with stunning illustrations makes this a must-read for children, promising an engaging and visually enchanting book.