100 Walls To Be Broken

How To Break The Limits Of Your Mind And Your Heart

Non-Fiction - New Age
296 Pages
Reviewed on 06/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Kateryna Armenta's 100 Walls to be Broken explores the barriers that affect self-perception and behavior, beginning by categorizing them into "I," "Them," "Feelings," and "Other." She discusses overcoming self-doubt through questioning self-imposed standards and drawing inspiration from others. Armenta addresses practical obstacles such as readiness, time, money, and skills, and talks about prioritization and self-worth. She speaks on personal responsibility for happiness, leaning toward self-awareness, proactive decision-making, and challenging limiting beliefs about money. Using real-life examples, she shows us the importance of effort and a positive mindset. She also discusses domestic violence, recognition, and support-seeking, and uses personality tests to enhance job fitness. Armenta promotes setting boundaries, managing emotions, and warns against chronic worrying, championing the embracing of change, self-determination, and confronting psychological barriers to set ambitious goals.

Kateryna Armenta does an excellent job in offering a guide to dismantling psychological barriers that obstruct personal development in 100 Walls to be Broken. The focus on introspection and overcoming self-limiting beliefs resonated deeply with me, particularly concerning the emphasis on shifting from external validation to fostering self-worth, which is incredibly timely and relevant today. As the father to teenage daughters, I saw much of Armenta's work as being something of a personal outreach for me, and for them, in fostering genuine personal growth. I like that each chapter ends with actionable steps that empower readers to address and conquer negative emotions effectively. Armenta's writing is not only clear and concise but also accessible, ensuring that the information offered works for readers of all levels, and at any stage of their journey toward breaking down their barriers.