680 Miles Away

Christian - Fiction
290 Pages
Reviewed on 09/13/2024
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Author Biography

Tara started writing fiction when she was in first grade and discovered the thrill of screenwriting when she studied Communications Media at John Paul the Great Catholic University. Screenplays are her favorite way to tell stories, but novels are quickly gaining. She hopes her writing will contribute to a revival of Catholic fiction.

After successfully self-publishing two screenplays as paperbacks and ebooks, she partnered with two of her former film professors to create Story Masters Film Academy, which offers online courses in screenwriting and directing.

Tara resides in Colorado, and in 2016, she became a Consecrated Virgin Living in the World in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. In addition to making things up and writing them down, Tara enjoys praying, hiking (definitely not running), going to the symphony (especially movies at the symphony), discovering new craft brews, and spending time with family and friends.

    Book Review

Reviewed by P. Rosenthal for Readers' Favorite

Evie is twenty-three and lives in Colorado, while Sam is seventeen and lives in South Dakota. Evie was given up for adoption, and Sam's mother died in a tragic car accident. Despite these differences, they share similar attributes and bear a striking resemblance to each other. Through divine providence, Sam's boyfriend, Tobias, encounters Evie during a service call with his uncle. Despite differences in their hairstyles, Tobias is amazed by their resemblance and promptly informs Sam. As Sam and Tobias plan a visit, it becomes clear that Evie is hesitant to confront the emotional pain such a reunion might bring, as there are many uncertainties to consider. Discover whether Evie and Sam are doppelgängers or long-lost sisters in Tara J. Stone’s 680 Miles Away.

Tara J. Stone’s 680 Miles Away is a captivating work of Christian fiction. This reality-based story is suitable for young adults, but its appeal is not limited to one age group. The intriguing plot immediately captivates the reader's attention. Its romantic elements intersect with themes of family, love, faith, and hope. Believable dialogue makes the characters highly relatable. Thus, it is easy to become invested in their lives. The lessons in the story have a positive impact on the reader's values and mindset. One of the most memorable and valuable messages can be paraphrased as follows: "Always assume your loved one’s best intentions." Several quotes are interspersed throughout, and the end thoughtfully includes a song list and Author’s Notes. Fans of wholesome romance and spiritual topics will love 680 Miles Away.