A Bluebird's Memories

Children - Animals
36 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Michelle Stanley for Readers' Favorite

A Bluebird’s Memories by Tuula Pere is a charming animal story for children. In this story, Grandma Bluebird is delighted to have her grandchildren come for a visit. They love spending time with her because she always tells wonderful stories about her life with their grandfather. After playing outside for a while, it was time to settle in the nest box for the night. The young birds were ready to be regaled with stories from the past. Grandma Bluebird did not disappoint the youngsters as she answered questions about events in her life. She showed them pictures in an album and shared fond stories about each one. Grandma Bluebird remembered doing brave things that saved lives and teaching her chicks to fly.

A Bluebird’s Memories is a nostalgic story. Tuula Pere’s writing is expressive and meaningful. I could feel Grandma Bluebird’s sadness when she thought of the happy times with her late husband raising their broods of chicks. They also had adventures that put them in danger, but they were courageous, thoughtful birds who risked their lives to save others. Being small did not prevent Grandma Bluebird or her husband from doing brave deeds that helped other creatures and humans. This is a lesson that young children can learn when reading this lovely book. Outi Rautkallio made the story more significant with her illustrations because the watercolors she used matched the nostalgic feel of the story. A Bluebird’s Memories is a delightful book for a young audience.

Pikasho Deka

Many of us grew up listening to our grandmother's stories as children. Tuula Pere's A Bluebird's Memories follows the story of a bluebird in her elder years. This particular bluebird rests inside a nest box perched high in a birch tree. She keeps everything inside the nest clean, knowing her grandchildren are going to visit. When the little ones come, she welcomes them with open wings, and at bedtime, she starts regaling them with stories of her life. She tells them of the biggest event of her life when she solved a problem with the loudspeakers during a speech by a minister at the opening ceremony of a big bridge. She also helped find the ring for the groom at a grand wedding, and one time, on a hot and dry summer day, she saved a fisherman from a fire.

A Bluebird's Memories is a children's picture book featuring three interconnected short stories alongside some beautifully drawn artwork by Outi Rautkallio. Using a kind-hearted bluebird as the central character, Tuula Pere tells three delightful tales about the heroics of an elderly bluebird that highlight the importance of making each moment count. Even the little things can make a difference in the world, and this is the common thread in all the stories told by the bluebird. Pere has an easygoing writing style that's accessible and ideal for young readers. The narrative has charm and warmth, which makes the book very enjoyable to read. This book is perfectly suited for parents to read to their children as a bedtime story. Kids are going to love this!

Carol Thompson

A Bluebird's Memories by Tuula Pere is a charming and tender story that blends nostalgia with the warmth of a grandmother's love. The bluebird, an endearing character, represents the gentle wisdom that comes with age. Despite her feathers beginning to turn gray, her vibrant stories keep her past alive, painting vivid pictures for her young grandchildren who visit her. As she prepares for her grandchildren’s visit, she thinks about her past when her mate was alive and how much she enjoys her grandchildren.

Tuula Pere's writing captures the essence of storytelling. Each tale the bluebird grandmother shares is a lesson wrapped in love and experience. The narratives she recounts are simple yet profound, reminding readers that even the smallest creatures have significant roles to play in the world. Outi Rautkallio's illustrations complement the story beautifully, bringing a soft, nostalgic feel to the book. The artwork mirrors the gentle narrative tone, making the bluebird's memories feel almost tangible. The image of the birds snuggled with their blankets shows the visit's sweetness and their interest in their grandmother’s stories. This book is perfect for bedtime reading, offering both children and adults a cozy, reflective read. The themes of family, memory, and the passage of time are handled with care, making A Bluebird's Memories a touching addition to any bookshelf. Whether you're a child listening to a grandparent’s tales or an adult reflecting on the past, this book will resonate with you, bridging the gap between generations and fostering a sense of unity.

Philip Van Heusen

A Bluebird’s Memories by Tuula Pere is a children’s sweet storybook about a grandmother bluebird and her grandchildren. When the grandchildren come to visit, Bluebird makes sure her spacious nest box is clean and ready for her to spend time with the grandchildren. After spending the day having fun, she tucks them into bed for story time before sleeping. Bluebird’s stories are about her life and how she helped many people. The gist of the stories shows her grandchildren that they can be immensely important no matter how young or small they are. As you read this book to and with your children, be sure to explain how important they are to you and others. Also, discuss ways they can help others even when young. You are never too small to be a good neighbor.

A Bluebird’s Memories shows the value of intergenerational relationships and how much the older generation can teach the younger. It also shows how special even the youngest family member is. Tuula Pere’s writing shows children that having friends is good, but the most important thing is being close to family. Children will learn how important they are and that helping others is one of the best things they can do. Even if their part seems insignificant, their help is invaluable. Be sure to spend time sharing with your children and grandchildren how you have helped others and how they can make a big impact on the lives of others as they help them. This book is richly illustrated by Outi Rautkallio.

Laura Imaz

Tuula Pere's children's book, A Bluebird's Memories, is the story of a loving grandmother, the bluebird, who enjoys telling her grandchildren stories about her past. Once upon a time, this bluebird shared her lovely house with her mate, but now she lives alone... but she is never lonely! Because of her numerous friends' visits and family reunions, she always keeps herself busy as a hostess. Her grandkids, on the other hand, provide her with the most joy when they share storytelling time. Every youngster enjoys hearing stories, but when they come from a grandma who has lived 100 lifetimes, can it get any better? Grandma has had numerous experiences, ranging from saving a wedding from disaster to enlisting support to rescue the forest. This fantastic picture book will teach you the value of even the smallest bird.

A Bluebird's Memories is a sweet story about a kind grandma who narrates wonderful stories to her grandkids. Tuula Pere's beautiful narrative makes it the ideal bedtime book. Furthermore, she quietly emphasizes the value of each individual and the significant impact that even a child may have on the world. I particularly enjoyed the mood created by Outi Rautkallio's simple drawings and pastel color choices. In addition, I also enjoyed how prominently this novel highlights the role of grandmothers, who are sometimes forgotten and taken for granted when we should always cherish and appreciate them. I feel that this book be included in every home and school library since each reader would undoubtedly learn something from it.