A Certain Slant of Light

Romance - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
376 Pages
Reviewed on 08/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

A Certain Slant of Light is a work of fiction in the fantasy, romance, and interpersonal drama genres. It is best suited to mature adult readers as it contains some explicit sexual scenes and death references. Penned by author C.P. Du Toit, the plot follows Sahle, a young black woman, who is transported to the mystical land of Izwe on her 20th birthday to become its queen. Struggling with the abrupt transition from her suburban life, she discovers that everything she knew was a lie, including the identity of her parents. Unprepared and without magic, Sahle must learn about Izwe, its magical powers, and her destiny as a prophesied peacemaker. Faced with family secrets and a hostile lord threatening her reign, Sahle must reconcile her identity with her royal duties to save the kingdom.

Author C.P. Du Toit has a natural knack for drama and tension that elicits a whirlwind of romantic emotions. I felt a profound empathy for Sahle as she grappled with the sudden upheaval in her life and the immense responsibility thrust upon her, and this is enhanced with a fantastic narrative focus on every crucial emotive moment. The narrative deftly combined elements of fantasy with the rich cultural tapestry of a reimagined Africa, creating a unique and vivid setting that captivated my imagination, filled with lavish, atmospheric language and cinematic vistas that enhanced the mood of each scene. Sahle's struggle with her identity and destiny is well paced to unfold with realistic drama, and it highlights the universal human experience of seeking purpose amidst chaos with poignant speech and thought presentation. The tension between free will and fate, woven throughout the story, prompted introspection about my own life's path. The book left me contemplating the intricate interplay of history, culture, and individual destiny long after I turned the last page. Overall, I would certainly recommend A Certain Slant of Light to fans of romantic dramas.