A Father's Vow

Christian - Romance - Contemporary
208 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

A Father's Vow by Chris Maday Schmidt is an engaging read for Christian contemporary romance, mystery, and family drama fans. Constable Jack Wells blames himself for losing his wife, Willow. This guilt darkens his days in the cozy town of Sweetwater, Northern Arizona. Jack's five-year-old daughter, Josie, is the apple of his eye. The little girl loves visiting a nearby wildlife preserve and sanctuary. But financial troubles and acts of vandalism plague this home for many rescued animals. Jack works overtime to catch the vandals. A new veterinarian named Emerson Parker arrives in Sweetwater. The young woman wants to open a new chapter of her life and forget about her failed marriage. Little Josie captures Emerson's wounded heart. Jack and Emerson draw closer while working together to keep the preserve safe. Will they open their hearts to each other? And who is behind the incidents in the sanctuary?

In A Father's Vow, Chris Maday Schmidt shows how a beautiful feeling emerges in the hearts of two lonely people who erroneously assume they don't deserve happiness. Emerson's backstory brings our attention to the serious topic of domestic violence. Emerson battles with a victim mentality, and her occasional slips are heartbreaking. Jack is a loving father and an exemplary constable, but he is an overachiever who unwillingly puts his duty of "serve and protect" on a pedestal. The development of his character is eye-opening to those of us who face internal burnout while fighting a good fight. Yet, my favorite character is the adorable little Josie. There is also Pastor Mark, whose simple words to Jack make this book so wonderful. This appealing novel has a well-paced narrative, strong elements of mystery, and an ending that left me open-mouthed.