A Ghoulish Good Time

Tales to Make You Scream (Daerk Cemetery)

Fiction - Horror
252 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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Author Biography

A way with words and a will to wield them, Michele L. Sayre has been writing most of her life. A lover of stories, it is the good ones that draw her attention to them and give her the push to bring them out into the world with her pen and paper or her computer.

She looks for the unusual in life and feels that quality can be found in all genres. The ones she gravitates towards the most are the spiritual, the paranormal, science fiction, action, and fantasy, but only with the realization that all these stories will end wrapped up into a touch of romance. The good things in life are always embraced with love. It is what makes the world so much more interesting and bearable and fun to write about as she sends each story off into the universe to be read and hopefully loved.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Christine finds herself in the middle of the twin sisters' family drama, which takes a dangerous turn. Leta struggles to distinguish a dream from a horrifying reality after arriving in the uncharted town. Sara learns the hard way that we should not make a wish in the heat of the moment. Charlise makes a scary discovery while desperately trying to protect her brother, Rory, from a criminal gang. Sam hides from a bully and meets a mysterious girl at a cemetery before Halloween. Charles can communicate with dolphins, but his cruel stepfather uses his invention to get an ancient secret from the friendly cetaceans. A Ghoulish Good Time by Michele L. Sayre, the first installment in the Daerk Cemetery series, is a collection of six short stories for young adult fans of horror, fantasy, paranormal, and drama.

In A Ghoulish Good Time, Michele L. Sayre motivates readers to muse upon choices in morally challenging circumstances. Charlie in Monsters Adeep and Sam in All Hallows’ Eve must choose between standing their ground or running from their adversaries as they used to. It is a familiar conflict to many, and the author encourages us to make the right decisions. This diverse collection appeals to readers with different preferences. It includes a classic spooky story, All Hallows’ Eve, and a dark thriller with a touch of the paranormal, an unpredictable outcome, and blood-curdling twists in Soul Stones. The Vanishing offers not only gripping suspense but also a deep romance. Michele's writing style is eloquent and beautiful, which benefits young adult readers. The illustrators, Natalie Pancrazio, Brycen Pancrazio, Isabel Sayre, Gabriel Sayre, Christina Cartwright, and the author, add eye-catching and unique visuals to the book.